My AutoIt script has users paste text into a field, then click a button to convert the customary units into metric units. It converts not only words, but the numbers preceding them as well.
The text below is the input:
1 foot 1 inch
2 feet 2 inches
3 feet 3 inches
1 inch
2 inches
3 in
1 foot
2 feet
3 ft
This is the expected output:
33.02 centimeters
66.04 centimeters
99.06 centimeters
2.54 centimeters
5.08 centimeters
7.62 cm
30.48 centimeters
60.96 centimeters
91.44 cm
But this is what I get:
1006.4496 centimeters
2012.8992 centimeters
3019.3488 centimeters
2.54 centimeters
5.08 centimeters
7.62 cm
30.48 centimeters
60.96 centimeters
91.44 centimeters
Seems first three lines are multiplied by 30.48
. I do not want that. Here is the code:
Case $msg = $CTRL_i
;For unit measurements of feet and inches
$input_str = GUICtrlRead($Textbox)
$WordArray = StringRegExp($input_str, "[\s\.:;,]*([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\.?[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)[\s\.:;,]*", 3)
;MsgBox($MB_OK, "Size:", UBound($WordArray))
For $i = 0 To (UBound($WordArray) - 1) Step 1
If (($i + 3) <= UBound($WordArray)) Then
If (StringIsDigit($WordArray[$i]) Or StringIsFloat($WordArray[$i])) And ($WordArray[$i + 1] = "feet" Or "foot" Or "ft") And (StringIsDigit($WordArray[$i + 2]) Or StringIsFloat($WordArray[$i + 2])) And ($WordArray[$i + 3] = "inches" Or "inch" Or "in") Then
$cm_value = ($WordArray[$i] * 30.48) + ($WordArray[$i + 2] * 2.54)
$old_string = $WordArray[$i] & " " & $WordArray[$i + 1] & " " & $WordArray[$i + 2] & " " & $WordArray[$i + 3]
$new_string = $cm_value & " centimeters"
$input_str = StringReplace($input_str, $old_string, $new_string, 1)
MsgBox($MB_OK, "Feet and inches", $WordArray[$i])
$WordArray = StringRegExp($input_str, "[\s\.:;,]*([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\.?[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)[\s\.:;,]*", 3)
;MsgBox($MB_OK, "Size:", UBound($WordArray))
For $i = 0 To (UBound($WordArray) - 1) Step 1
If (($i + 1) <= UBound($WordArray)) Then
;This is for when a measurement of inches is represented as plural.
If (StringIsDigit($WordArray[$i]) Or StringIsFloat($WordArray[$i])) And $WordArray[$i + 1] = "inches" Then
$cm_value = $WordArray[$i] * 2.54
$old_string = $WordArray[$i] & " " & $WordArray[$i + 1]
$new_string = $cm_value & " centimeters"
$input_str = StringReplace($input_str, $old_string, $new_string, 1)
MsgBox($MB_OK, "inches", $WordArray[$i])
;This is for when a measurement of inches is represented as singular.
ElseIf (StringIsDigit($WordArray[$i]) Or StringIsFloat($WordArray[$i])) And $WordArray[$i + 1] = "inch" Then
$cm_value = $WordArray[$i] * 2.54
$old_string = $WordArray[$i] & " " & $WordArray[$i + 1]
$new_string = $cm_value & " centimeters"
$input_str = StringReplace($input_str, $old_string, $new_string, 1)
MsgBox($MB_OK, "inch", $WordArray[$i])
;This is for when a measurement of inches is represented as an abbreviation.
ElseIf (StringIsDigit($WordArray[$i]) Or StringIsFloat($WordArray[$i])) And $WordArray[$i + 1] = "in" Then
$cm_value = $WordArray[$i] * 2.54
$old_string = $WordArray[$i] & " " & $WordArray[$i + 1]
$new_string = $cm_value & " cm"
$input_str = StringReplace($input_str, $old_string, $new_string, 1)
MsgBox($MB_OK, "in", $WordArray[$i])
$WordArrayC = StringRegExp($input_str, "[\s\.:;,]*([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\.?[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)[\s\.:;,]*", 3)
;MsgBox($MB_OK, "Size:", UBound($WordArray))
For $i = 0 To (UBound($WordArray) - 1) Step 1
If (($i + 1) <= UBound($WordArray)) Then
;This is for when a measurement of feet is represented as plural or singular.
If (StringIsDigit($WordArray[$i]) Or StringIsFloat($WordArray[$i])) And ($WordArray[$i + 1] = "feet" Or "foot") Then
$cm_value = $WordArray[$i] * 30.48
$old_string = $WordArray[$i] & " " & $WordArray[$i + 1]
$new_string = $cm_value & " centimeters"
$input_str = StringReplace($input_str, $old_string, $new_string, 1)
MsgBox($MB_OK, "feet", $WordArray[$i])
;This is for when a measurement of feet is represented as an abbreviation.
ElseIf (StringIsDigit($WordArray[$i]) Or StringIsFloat($WordArray[$i])) And $WordArray[$i + 1] = "ft" Then
$cm_value = $WordArray[$i] * 30.48
$old_string = $WordArray[$i] & " " & $WordArrayC[$i + 1]
$new_string = $cm_value & " cm"
$input_str = StringReplace($input_str, $old_string, $new_string, 1)
MsgBox($MB_OK, "ft", $WordArray[$i])
GUICtrlSetData($Textbox, $input_str)
This kind of syntax:
($WordArray[$i+1] = "feet" Or "foot" Or "ft")
is actually interpreted as
(($WordArray[$i+1] = "feet") Or ("foot") Or ("ft"))
which "foot"
is always True and "ft"
is always True as neither are empty strings.
Use instead this syntax:
($WordArray[$i+1] = "feet" Or $WordArray[$i+1] = "foot" Or $WordArray[$i+1] = "ft")
The later compares $WordArray[$i+1]
with each string.
Change all instances of that kind of syntax and your code may work as expected.