It's my first Spring project. I have a user repository exposed as a RepositoryRestResource. And I have Spring Security set up for very basic authentication. What I would like to do is to return the current user's Hateoas resource from my AuthenticationController without having to maintain a resource assembler. I want to consume the user RepositoryRestResource from inside the AuthenticationController and return the resource as it is. Right now, I have something like this:
public class AuthenticationController {
public Principal user(Principal user) {
return user;
I can get the User entity from the principal or with something like:
Resource<User> getCurrentUser(@ModelAttribute User self){...}
And I want to return the user's Hateoas resource instead of the Principal by reaching the repository rest resource from the controller. How can I achieve this or is it a weird thing to ask for?
Retrieve your user entity from the repository using your principal details, for example:
public class MyUserController {
@Autowired UserAccountRepository repository;
public Resource<?> getUser(@AuthenticationPrincipal UserDetails principal, PersistentEntityResourceAssembler assembler) {
if (null==principal) {
return null;
UserAccount user = repository.findByUsername(principal.getUsername());
return assembler.toFullResource(user);
- Replaces standard controller annotation to use base REST URI.