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Spring cloud gateway response never arrives

I was trying out Spring Cloud Gateway (Finchley.M5). Then I built up this simple project based on Springboot 2 (2.0.0.M7):

  1. Eureka
  2. Spring Cloud Gateway
  3. A service (WebFlux @RestController)

When asking the service directly, the response arrives as expected:

enter image description here

But when I try to ask for the service through the Gateway, the service receives the request (I printed a message to the console) but the response never get back to the client:

enter image description here

The repo with the project is over here:

[EDIT 1]: So you don't have to clone the above repo to see what is going on with the code, here it is:

1 - Gateway

public class GatewayApplication {

  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

  public RouteLocator routes(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
    return builder.routes()
            .route(r -> r.path("/service/**")
                    .rewritePath("/service/(?<path>.*)", "/${path}")

2 - Service Controller

public class MyController {

  Mono<String> getHello() {
    System.out.println("I received a connection request");
    return Mono.just("Hello, world!");

[EDIT 2]: Someone on the Spring Cloud team has cloned my repo and tested it. And reported it worked just fine. Apparently, the test was made in a Linux system (I'm running it on a windows 10 machine).


  • I found out the real problem was a typical windows world problem: antivirus. Kaspersky was bloking the http response. To whom it may concern:

    enter image description here