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StripeInvalidRequestError when cancelling subscription on connected account

I am trying to cancel a stripe subscription on a connected account (in test mode), but I am getting the following error:

StripeInvalidRequestError: No such subscription: SUBSCRIPTION_ID

I can see the subscription with SUBSCRIPTION_ID in my Stripe dashboard, and cancel it from there. I've tried the following, with and without the stripe_account argument:

   SUBSCRIPTION_ID, { at_period_end: true }
 ), {
    stripe_account: stripeAccountId

I am able to cancel subscriptions on the platform account with no trouble. Do I need to first authenticate with the connected account's API key? Or is there another method I should be using here?

Edit: the subscription is on the account whose id matches stripeAccountId


  • In the end, it was a typo.. I had misplaced a closing bracket. Here is the corrected API call

    stripe.subscriptions.del(SUBSCRIPTION_ID, {
      at_period_end: true
    }, {
      stripe_account: stripeAccountId