I would like to set the formatting of numbers in axes of QCustomPlot. I know how to deal with decimal precision, but have no idea, how to use spaces instead of commas in case of large numbers.
I would like numbers to look like this:
1.045 (decimals separated with a dot)
1 000 (thousands separated with space, currently I get 1,000)
there is a method QCPAxis::setNumberFormat, which seems to not be what I am looking for.
You need to subclass QCPAxisTicker and reimplement getTickLabel method
I couldn't find locale that would do spaces as group separator and dot as decimal point so i instead used QString replace function to make "custom separators".
Quick and dirty example:
QString getTickLabel (double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision) {
QLocale l;
QString number = l.toString(tick, 'g', 15);
number.replace(l.decimalPoint(), ".");
number.replace(l.groupSeparator(), " ");
return number;
"1 000 000.1411"