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How to use MediaSession extension for ExoPlayer v2.5+

I want to use MediaSession with exoplayer and by searching I found that Exoplayer already have MediaSession extension library(, but I am unable to find any good documentation on how to implement that.

I have already read the documentation provided by Google developer on this but it is not clear and hard to understand for me, the documentation link is

Can anyone please help me how can I implement MediaSession extension with Exoplayer.


Finally I was able to implement this by trying hard using the above link (

Details are given in the answer section below.


  • Here is how I did this.

    First initialize the MediaSessionCompat, MediaSessionConnector and MediaControllerCompat as given below.

            private void initMediaSession(){
                    ComponentName mediaButtonReceiver = new ComponentName(getApplicationContext(), MediaButtonReceiver.class);
                    mMediaSessionCompat = new MediaSessionCompat(getApplicationContext(), "MyMediasession", mediaButtonReceiver, null);
    MediaSessionConnector mediaSessionConnector = new MediaSessionConnector(mMediaSessionCompat, mPlaybackController, false);
                    mediaSessionConnector.setPlayer(mMediaPlayerManager.getPlayer(), null);
                    mMediaControllerCompat = mMediaSessionCompat.getController();

    All the callbacks are received in this MediaSessionConnector.PlaybackController.

    private MediaSessionConnector.PlaybackController mPlaybackController = new MediaSessionConnector.PlaybackController() {
                public long getSupportedPlaybackActions(@Nullable Player player) {
                    long ACTIONS = PlaybackStateCompat.ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE | PlaybackStateCompat.ACTION_PLAY
                            | PlaybackStateCompat.ACTION_PAUSE | PlaybackStateCompat.ACTION_STOP;
                    return ACTIONS;
                public void onPlay(Player player) {
                public void onPause(Player player) {
                public void onSeekTo(Player player, long position) {
                public void onFastForward(Player player) {
                public void onRewind(Player player) {
                public void onStop(Player player) {

    Now you can use MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls to send events like play, pause etc. on click of Play/Pause buttons.

    mMediaControllerCompat.getTransportControls().play();//For play
    mMediaControllerCompat.getTransportControls().pause();//For pause

    While using the TransportControls methods corresponding methods of MediaSessionConnector.PlaybackController will also be called simultaneously.