Search code examples

How to transform the SQL to Hibernate criteria?

I am writing a method for retrieving clients with sum of their orders ( higher and less than input values.

Criteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Clients.class, "cl");

if (clOrdsTtlPrcFrom != -1 && clOrdsTtlPrcTo != -1) {
            String sql = "select OwnerID from Orders group by OwnerID having sum(Total) >= :clOrdsTtlPrcFrom and sum(Total) <= :clOrdsTtlPrcTo";
            SQLQuery query = sess.createSQLQuery(sql).addScalar("OwnerID", LongType.INSTANCE);
            query.setParameter("clOrdsTtlPrcFrom", clOrdsTtlPrcFrom);
            query.setParameter("clOrdsTtlPrcTo", clOrdsTtlPrcTo);
            criteria.add("id", query.list()));

Criteria criteria2 = sess.createCriteria(Clients.class);
        criteria2.add(Subqueries.propertyIn("id", criteria));
List<Clients> clients = (List<Clients>) criteria2.list();

All it's okay, but sometimes I am getting an error:

java.sql.SQLException: Prepared or callable statement has more than 2000 parameter markers.

How can I correct this method, or, maybe, convert it to a criteria style?


  • In the end, i solved this problem by this way, using sql restriction:

    DetachedCriteria dtcrt = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Clients.class);
    if (clOrdsTtlPrcFrom != -1 && clOrdsTtlPrcTo != -1) {
                dtcrt.add(Restrictions.sqlRestriction("OwnerID in(select OwnerID from Orders group by " +
                                "OwnerID having sum(Total) >= ? and sum(Total) <= ?)", new Integer[]{clOrdsTtlPrcFrom, clOrdsTtlPrcTo},
                        new Type[]{StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER, StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER}));
                criteria.add(Subqueries.propertyIn("id", dtcrt));