I'm a complete noob to writing bash scripts. I'm trying to do the following:
mkdir New_Project
cd New_Project
pipenv install ipykernel
pipenv shell
python -m ipykernel install --user --name==new-virtual-env
jupyter notebook
The problem I'm having is that after it executes pipenv shell
, it starts the new shell and then doesn't execute the last two commands. When I exit the new shell it then tries to execute the remaining lines. Is there any way to get a script to run all of these commands from start to finish?
As per the manual :
shell will spawn a shell with the virtualenv activated.
which is not what you need. Instead use run
run will run a given command from the virtualenv, with any arguments forwarded (e.g. $ pipenv run python).
In your case, something like
pipenv run python -m ipykernel install --user --name==new-virtual-env