I have the following mutation
const SET_NAME_MUTATION = gql`
mutation ($name: String!) {
setName(name: $name)
const withSetFullNameMutation = graphql( SET_NAME_MUTATION, {
name: 'setName',
In my form onSubmit, I am using the above like so:
await setName({ variables: "data is here" });
How can I update the above so I get values back like so:
const result = setName({ variables:"data is here });
Where result would contain user.id, user.title, user.photo_url?
The result of a mutation is defined within curly brackets in the mutation string. I your case it could look like:
const SET_NAME_MUTATION = gql `
mutation ($name: String!) {
setName(name: $name) {
user {
const withSetFullNameMutation = graphql(SET_NAME_MUTATION, {
name: 'setName',
When you call the mutation the result can be retrieved like so:
this.props.setName(name).then(response => {
const user = response.data.setName.user;
}).catch(errors => {});
In this case the mutation itself on the server needs to deliver the correct data objects. So you also need to change the mutation on the server.