I'm not a pro in R and maybe someone can help me with this function. There is a merged Dataframe (Analyse) with 2 rows (2 different Dates) and I need a new row with the difference between the two dates (in days). I tried it with difftime but the new row stays empty.
Date 1 Date 2 Days
2015-09-20 2015-09-21 1
2015-09-12 2015-09-15 3
my code:
Analyse$Date1 <- as.POSIXlt(Analyse$Date1)
Analyse$Date2<- as.POSIXlt(Analyse$Date2)
Analyse$Days <- difftime( Analyse$Date2, Analyse$Date2, units = c("days") )
is there a typo in your code for Analyse$Days - did you mean the difference between col Date1 and Column Date2:
Analyse$Days <- difftime( Analyse$Date1, Analyse$Date2, units = c("days") )