I'm trying to configure an OVS router. I want to achieve that, by adding flows on the OVS router, the devices connected with switch ports (port 2-5) can access to the internet, if the internet cable is inserted into the WAN port (port 1).
My VLAN configuration in file /etc/config/network
of the OVS router is:
eth1.1: 0t, 2
eth1.2: 0t, 3
eth1.3: 0t, 4
eth1.4: 0t, 5
eth1.5: 1, 6
The output of ovs-vsctl show
root@OpenWrt:~# ovs-vsctl show
Bridge "br0"
Controller "tcp:<an IP address>"
is_connected: true
fail_mode: standalone
Port "eth1.4"
Interface "eth1.4"
Port "eth1.2"
Interface "eth1.2"
Port "eth1.1"
Interface "eth1.1"
Port "br0"
Interface "br0"
type: internal
Port "eth1.3"
Interface "eth1.3"
The truncated output of ifconfig
eth0: (There is another home router)
eth1, eth1.1-1.4
As the subnet provides IP prefix of 192.168.3.* and the router itself is assigned IP of 192.168.0., I wonder if it's helpful to add a flow to forward packets from 192.168.3. to
So is it correct if I suppose, a machine with IP, for example, it wants to make query to google, the path should be>> router)->outside?
This is to build a flow based on Layer3. But I'm wondering if I can build flows between VLANs? According to my configuration, WAN port is port1, belongs to VLAN 5. Do you think is viable to add flows bidirectionally from VLAN 1 (machine connected) to VLAN 5 and from VLAN 5 to VLAN 1? If so, is there any examples I can flow please?
Another detail. The output of ifconfig
shows eth0 interface was assigned IP, which means it's connected with my home router ( So do I need to forward packets between these to IP addresses?
I really appreciate any help.
I have solved this problem. Following is the solution.
The main idea is to build a linux bridge connected with OVS bridge, when I need the VLANs to be able talking with outside internet. I can use brctl to operate linux bridge. Firstly I tried:
brctl addbr br-lan
brctl addif br-lan br0
Then all the machine can access to the internet. But unfortunately, only for couple minutes. After that, the router collapsed. I could not access to the OVS router anymore unless I reset it. That could be caused by the incorrect bridge configuration. I tried many ways and finally this one works:
brctl addbr br-lan
ifconfig br-lan
brctl addif br-lan br0
ifconfig br0
I considered linux bridge br-lan should be originally connected with eth0 (wan). And as I know, br0 could means 'local', with IP address All VLANs talk with this IP address. If I move 'local' to linux bridge which connected with wan port, it should work.
Thanks for everybody who viewed and tried to help me!