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Open a link with fragment

Previously, I used html5mode in my mean-stack website, now I want to disable it for some reasons, so I comment $locationProvider.html5Mode(true) in my code and still leave <base href="/1/" /> in index.html.

As a result, https://localhost:3000/1/#/home in a browser works.

However, clicking on a button defined by the following html leads to https://localhost:3000/1/edit/, rather than https://localhost:3000/1/#/edit/.

<li><a href="edit/" target="_self">New</a></li>

Does anyone know how to modify the html such that it opens https://localhost:3000/1/#/edit/?


  • Since you're no longer using html5mode, I would recommend prepending the hrefs with #/ in order to preserve your endpoints.

    <li><a href="#/edit/" target="_self">New</a></li>

    Without html5mode, the desired link will now cause a full page refresh. If you aren't using html5, why do you need the #?

    It may be worth adjusting the urls to follow this pattern https://localhost:3000/1/edit/, unless you'd rather use my suggested code above. There may be a more elegant solution of course.