I have two user inputs: in the first one user has to insert a text what is string type and in the second one to insert a number what is int type. I used try/except ValueError, so user couln't insert a string where int is needed. Although ValueError wouldn't work when user inserts int where string is needed.
How can input value be false, when int is inserted, where str is asked? This is my code now:
while True:
name_input = input('Insert name')
name = str(name_input)
number = input('Insert number: ')
num = int(number)
except ValueError:
A string with a number in it is still a valid string - it's a string representing that number as text.
If you want to check that the name is not a string composed just of digits, then the following code will work:
while True:
name = input('Insert name: ')
if name.isdigit():
raise ValueError