I have a new Windows 10 Home machine and I want to install SQL server. I already have Visual Studio 2017 installed and SSMS 2017 (Which I initially though installed SQL).
On first try I got this error:
VS Shell installation has failed with exit code 1638
And found I needed to Uninstall the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86) and (x64), install SQL Server, then reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86) and (x64). As seen here
Then I got this error:
Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation
I have been trying to install SQL Server for 4 weeks now
I found the logs but the error seems the same:
A security application installed on the server was preventing SQL Server setup to get access
After weeks of Googling i turns out my machine came with a bit of software called Bull Guard which conflicts with SQL Server. After uninstalling this software the problem was solved. (Disabling the service didn't work)