I would like to know how big a jpeg file is without the meta, header and codec information of jpeg. So that in the end you"ll only retrieve the compressed pixel data which I reckon consists of the DCT-coefficients and the quantization and huffman table.
But how to extract the size of these arrays with Python or C/C++?
I did try to use libjpeg but didn't find a way to compute the size of the compressed data.
Here is a piece of code that does what is asked for, roughly. I don't believe there is a "ready-made" solution for this available in any library.
It is not extremely neat, and not as simple as I hoped for. I have ran several hundred of random images from my "~/Pictures" folder (and a few others in other places), but no guarantees that it will handle "any" images - I think all my images are created by two different applications. the "a few others" may not, but again, a different producer may well use different fields, or produce the data in a form that this code can't handle. If it breaks, you get to keep all the pieces, but no refunds.
I will leave it to the reader to determine what is actual image data and what is not. Note that block sizes do not include the block header itself, that is another 2 bytes on top.
Oh, and yes, this is a mixture of C++ and C. I just hacked this together with parts of code that I had laying about for a different purpose, and tidied it up so it's not a COMPLETE mess, but it's by no means my finest every coding...
I've added the code to here as well: https://github.com/Leporacanthicus/jpegrd
#include <fstream>
#include <ios>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#define die(str, ...) \
do { printf(str, __VA_ARGS__); exit(1); } while(0)
void read_bytes(std::ifstream &f, uint8_t *buffer, std::streamsize sz)
if(!f.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer), sz))
die("Expected to read %zd bytes\n", sz);
uint32_t read_size(std::ifstream &f)
uint8_t buffer[2];
read_bytes(f, buffer, 2);
uint32_t size = buffer[0] << 8 | buffer[1];
return size;
void skip_size(std::ifstream &f, std::streamsize to_skip)
f.seekg(to_skip - 2, std::ios_base::cur);
void check_buffer(uint8_t *buffer, const std::vector<uint8_t> &val)
uint8_t *b = buffer;
for(auto v : val)
if (*b != v)
die("Mismatch! Expected %02x, got %02x\n", v, *b);
uint32_t find_next_header(std::ifstream &f)
uint8_t b;
bool found = false;
uint32_t count = 0;
read_bytes(f, &b, 1);
if (b == 0xFF)
if (f.peek() == 0x00)
read_bytes(f, &b, 1);
count+= 2;
found = true;
} while(!found);
return count;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 2)
printf("Expected filename as argument\n");
std::ifstream f(argv[1], std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::binary);
if (!f)
die("Couldn't open the file %s\n", argv[1]);
uint8_t buffer[2];
uint32_t total = 0;
read_bytes(f, buffer, 2);
check_buffer(buffer, {0xFF, 0xd8});
total += 2;
bool eoi = false;
uint32_t size;
read_bytes(f, buffer, 2);
if (buffer[0] != 0xff)
die("Expected 0xFF byte, got %02x at offset %zu\n",
buffer[0], (size_t)f.tellg());
total += 2;
case 0xE0:
case 0xE1:
case 0xE2:
case 0xE3:
case 0xE4:
case 0xE5:
case 0xE6:
case 0xE7:
case 0xE8:
case 0xE9:
case 0xEA:
case 0xEB:
case 0xEC:
case 0xED:
case 0xEE:
case 0xEF:
size = read_size(f);
total += size;
printf("APP Data Type %02x: %u bytes of application data\n",
buffer[1], size);
skip_size(f, size);
case 0xDB:
size = read_size(f);
total += size;
printf("DQT: %u bytes of quantization data\n", size);
skip_size(f, size);
case 0xC0:
case 0xC2:
size = read_size(f);
total += size;
printf("SOF: %u bytes of frame data\n", size);
skip_size(f, size);
case 0xC4:
size = read_size(f);
total += size;
printf("DHT: %u bytes of huffman tables\n", size);
skip_size(f, size);
case 0xDA:
size = read_size(f);
skip_size(f, size);
size += find_next_header(f);
total += size;
printf("SOS: %u bytes of scan data\n", size);
case 0xD9:
printf("EOI: end of image\n");
eoi = true;
case 0xFE:
size = read_size(f);
skip_size(f, size);
total += size;
printf("COM: comment %u bytes\n", size);
die("Expected known encoding byte, got %02x\n", buffer[1]);
} while(!eoi);
printf("Total size = %u\n", total);