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HTTP Status 404 Not Found For Jersey REST application with Eclipse and Payara server

I am trying to develop a Jersey server application for a booking system in Eclipse using Payara server. When I run the project I get "HTTP Status 404 - Not Found". I have checked several tutorials and StackOverflow posts but cannot find the error. Can anybody help me with this?

BookingService interface:

public interface BookingService {

    public Response addBooking(Room room);

    public Response cancelBooking(Room room);

    public Room getRoom(int roomNumber);

    public Room[] getAllAvailableRooms();

BookingService implementation:

public class BookingServiceImpl implements BookingService{

private static Map<Integer,Room> rooms = new HashMap<Integer,Room>();

public Response addBooking(Room room) {
    Response response = new Response();

    if(rooms.get(room.getNumber()).isBooked()) {
        response.setMessage("This room is not available");
        return response;
    response.setMessage("Room successfully booked");

    return response;

public Response cancelBooking(Room room) {
    Response response = new Response();
    if(!rooms.get(room.getNumber()).isBooked()) {
        response.setMessage("This room is not booked so booking cannot be cancelled");
        return response;

    response.setMessage("The booking for room " + room.getNumber() + "has been successfully cancelled");
    return null;

public Room[] getAllAvailableRooms() {
    Set<Integer> keys = rooms.keySet();
    Room[] roomArray = new Room[keys.size()];
    int i=0;
    for(Integer key : keys){
        if (!rooms.get(key).isBooked()) {
            roomArray[i] = rooms.get(key);
    return roomArray;


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>ID1212BookingSystem Maven Webapp</name>

Edit: When I researched the problem I read that the web.xml file did not have to specify anything other than display name when using jersey 2. I don't know if that's true, but below is the web.xml file I used before reading that, but it does not work either.

    <display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name>
    <!-- Jersey Servlet configurations -->
        <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name>
    <!-- Jersey Servlet configurations -->

Edit 2, added the following images:

Project package structure

Postman 404 error


  • Even, your latest web.xml has issue, you need to go slow and compare each changes with tutorial. As per mentioned tutorials

    You should have below init-param in your web.xml


    But, instead you have written


    Also, just for side note, /add expects POST, that means it will expect request data in its body. I would suggest to use some REST client, may be POSTMAN for your testing.

    == Updated ==

    I really don't understand, why are you using below package name in your web.xml ????


    I was definite, somewhere, you have don't blunders, the package of BookingServiceImpl should be server.service not se.kth.id1212.ID1212BookingSystem. So, in param-value, you are supposed to provide the same package name not the random one.. So, it should be


    Also, I see, you have used Produces/Consumes annotations on class, instead it should be on each methods

     public class BookingServiceImpl implements BookingService{

    It's my humble request, don't mix your knowledge with available tutorial. First try to understand the implementation, by EXACTLY following any available tutorials (may be just copy/paste). Pick the simplest tutorial may be just printing Hello World