I want spring-vault configuration marked with VaultPropertySource to be able to retry the requests to the vault if they fail. What should i mark as retryable ? I'm using Spring-Retry and i was looking over http://www.baeldung.com/spring-retry .
There is no visible method to mark as retryable. Should I change the implementation of the vaultTemplate and mark the vaultOperations as retryable ?
propertyNamePrefix = "provisioning.",
renewal = Renewal.RENEW
public class ProvisioningSecrets {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProvisioningSecrets.class);
public void setPassword(@Value("${provisioning.password}") final String password) throws Exception {
logger.info("We successfully set the provisioning db password.");
EnvVars.changeSetting(Setting.PROVISIONING_PASS, password);
public void setHost(@Value("${provisioning.host}") final String host) throws Exception {
logger.info("We successfully set the provisioning db host.");
EnvVars.changeSetting(Setting.PROVISIONING_HOST, host);
public void setPort(@Value("${provisioning.port}") final int port) throws Exception {
logger.info("We successfully set the provisioning db port.");
EnvVars.changeSetting(Setting.PROVISIONING_PORT, Integer.toString(port));
public void setUsername(@Value("${provisioning.username}") final String username) throws Exception {
logger.info("We successfully set the provisioning db username.");
EnvVars.changeSetting(Setting.PROVISIONING_USER, username);
public void setDbName(@Value("${provisioning.name}") final String name) throws Exception {
logger.info("We successfully set the provisioning db name.");
EnvVars.changeSetting(Setting.PROVISIONING_DB_NAME, name);
public class VaultConfiguration extends AbstractVaultConfiguration {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VaultConfiguration.class);
private URI vaultHost;
private String vaultToken;
* Configure the Client Authentication.
* @return A configured ClientAuthentication Object.
* @see ClientAuthentication
public ClientAuthentication clientAuthentication() {
// testing out environment variable value injection
logger.debug("Vault Token configuration done.");
return new TokenAuthentication(vaultToken);
public SessionManager sessionManager() {
return super.sessionManager();
public SslConfiguration sslConfiguration() {
logger.info("Configuring Vault SSL with NONE.");
return SslConfiguration.NONE;
* Specify an endpoint for connecting to Vault.
* @return A configured VaultEndpoint.
* @see VaultEndpoint
public VaultEndpoint vaultEndpoint() {
logger.debug("Vault Host:" + vaultHost.toString());
if (vaultHost.toString().isEmpty()) {
logger.info("Creating default Vault Endpoint.");
return new VaultEndpoint();
logger.info("Creating Vault Endpoint based on address: " + vaultHost.toString());
final VaultEndpoint endpoint = VaultEndpoint.from(vaultHost);
logger.info("Created Vault Endpoint: " + endpoint.toString());
return endpoint;
public URI vaultHost(@Value("${spring.vault.host}") final URI vaultHost) {
this.vaultHost = vaultHost;
return vaultHost;
public VaultTemplate vaultTemplate() {
return super.vaultTemplate();
public String vaultToken(@Value("${spring.vault.token}") final String vaultToken) {
this.vaultToken = vaultToken;
return vaultToken;
How about creating a custom VaultTemplate
bean class using RetryTemplate
public class RetryableVaultTemplate extends VaultTemplate {
private final RetryTemplate retryTemplate;
public RetryableVaultTemplate(VaultEndpointProvider endpointProvider,
ClientHttpRequestFactory clientHttpRequestFactory,
SessionManager sessionManager, RetryTemplate retryTemplate) {
super(endpointProvider, clientHttpRequestFactory, sessionManager);
this.retryTemplate = retryTemplate;
public VaultResponse read(final String path) {
return retryTemplate
.execute(new RetryCallback<VaultResponse, RuntimeException>() {
public VaultResponse doWithRetry(RetryContext context) {
return RetryableVaultTemplate.super.read(path);
public <T> VaultResponseSupport<T> read(final String path, final Class<T> responseType) {
return retryTemplate
.execute(new RetryCallback<VaultResponseSupport<T>, RuntimeException>() {
public VaultResponseSupport<T> doWithRetry(RetryContext context) {
return RetryableVaultTemplate.super.read(path, responseType);
Make sure to register this bean class as vaultTemplate
bean instead of VaultTemplate