How to apply multi background color to material UI snackbar? I tried with linear-gradient as mentioned below but it doesn't work.
import Snackbar from 'material-ui/Snackbar';
const bodyStyle = {
border: `2px solid ${config.actualWhite}`,
minWidth: '50%',
maxWidth: '100%',
backgroundColor: 'linear-gradient(to right bottom, #00897B, #FFE082)',
fontFamily: config.fontFamily,
fontStyle: config.fontStyle,
fontWeight: config.fontWeight,
fontSize: config.fontSize
message="You are Successfuly loggedout! Thanks for being part of web Family!"
You've got a slight error in your CSS. Specifically, backgroundColor
should be background
because the linear-gradient
function returns an image, not a color. So, you should have:
const bodyStyle = {
border: `2px solid ${config.actualWhite}`,
minWidth: '50%',
maxWidth: '100%',
// Note the change to background here
background: 'linear-gradient(to right bottom, #00897B, #FFE082)',
fontFamily: config.fontFamily,
fontStyle: config.fontStyle,
fontWeight: config.fontWeight,
fontSize: config.fontSize
Note that you should consider making the switch to the v1-beta, which should be promoted to the stable version sometime in early 2018. I describe the appropriate solution for that below.
Changing the backgroundColor
of a Snackbar
works but will have no visible effect because the entire Snackbar
is filled by one of it's children, SnackbarContent
, and that child has it's background hardcoded in the source. By default, that backgroundColor is set to:
const backgroundColor = theme.palette.shades[reverseType].background.default;
So, what's happening is that your desired gradient background is being covered up by the child.
To fix this, you need to use the SnackbarContentProps
described in the Snackbar
API to override the backgroundColor
in the child:
const styles = theme => ({
myCustomBackground: {
background: 'linear-gradient(to right bottom, #00897B, #FFE082)',
className: classes.myCustomBackground,
The SnackbarContentProps
are spread down to the child (visible on line 252 of the source as of December 2017), so everything you put in that object will become a prop to the SnackbarContent
child. Here, you're setting the child's className
property to myCustomBackground
so that it will display your desired gradient instead of the default.
Here are a couple of other points to note:
CSS attribute instead of the backgroundColor
attribute because gradients are images, not colors.