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Alphabetical ordering in BFS

I have troubles differentiating between BFS with alphabetical ordering and BFS without it.

For example, to find a spanning tree in this graph (starting from E).

Starting G

After adding {E,B} and {E,C}

T after added EB and EC

I'm not sure whether to continue adding {B,F} or {C,F}. Thank you very much.


  • I'm not sure whether to continue adding {B,F} or {C,F}. Thank you very much.

    Well, the answer depends on the order in which you add the vertices B and C in your queue of BFS algorithm. If you look at the algorithm:

    BFS (G, s)      //Where G is the graph and s is the Source Node
      let Q be queue.
      Q.enqueue( s ) //Inserting s in queue until all its neighbour vertices are marked.
      mark s as visited.
      while ( Q is not empty)
           //Removing that vertex from queue,whose neighbour will be visited now
           v  =  Q.dequeue( )
          //processing all the neighbours of v  
          for all neighbours w of v in Graph G
               if w is not visited 
                    Q.enqueue( w ) //Stores w in Q to further visit its neighbours                       
          mark w as visited.

    Its clear that it does not specify what should be the order in which you enque the neighbours of a vertex.

    So if you visit the neighbours of E in the order: B , C , then clearly due to FIFO property of Queue data structure, node B will be dequed(taken out of queue) before C and you will have the edge B--F. If the order is C , B, then the edge would be C--F for similar reasons.

    Once you understand the pseudocode, you will understand it very clearly.