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xsl: check if both strings are equal, if true then display another string

I have a first TEI which content is used for XSLT that you can find here

A second TEI in corpus_ilimilku.xml which I need to use in the same XSLT file:

<category n="1"  xml:id="contend" ana="#verb.competition">
     <catDesc xml:lang="en">subcategory of competition verb: contend 
             <ref n="1" target="">BabelNet<idno type="URI"></idno></ref>
             <ref n="2" target="">FrameNet<idno type="URI">"></idno></ref>
      <category ana="#transcription" xml:lang="uga">
          <gloss n="1" xml:id="ḫṣb01" target="../uga/verb.xsl#ḫṣb"/>
          <gloss n="2" xml:id="mḫṣ01" cert="high" target="../uga/verb.xsl#mḫṣ"/> 

I don't have a problem to refer to the right file. I have checked, and it's working.

In fact, I have two problems:

  1. key of ref that is not working I think,
  2. so when I want to display href5 of $value-doc2 if "$value-doc = translate($re-ana2, '#', '') is true, I have the following message:

Description: A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the first argument of tokenize() (", "", "")

Currently, "$value-doc = translate($re-ana2, '#', '') works since I have tested with several values, and the result is true or false. See last word of each <li>print screen for <code>$check-id</code>

What I would like to display:

mean.: </em>to figth, to destroy. Inflected forms attested:
 <li>tmtḫṣ: gram. → Gt. ind. imperf. trans, 2msg, 3fsg. <em>trans. </em>she fought -- remark(s): iterative function // with “<a href="../computation/corpus_ilimilku.xml#ktu1-3_ii_l6b_t%E1%B8%ABt%E1%B9%A3b">tḫtṣb</a>.” Occur.: <a href="">ktu1.3:ii:l5b-6a</a> -- <em>analysis: </em>suggestion of 
  <a href="../computation/corpus_ilimilku.xml#ktu1-3_ii_l5b_6a_int">hermeneutics;</a> taxo., subcat. of competition v. “<a href="../computation/corpus_ilimilku.xml#m%E1%B8%AB%E1%B9%A301">contend</a>.” 
   <!-- DATA THAT I CANNOT DISPLAY : --> <a href="">BabelNet</a>, <a href="">Framework</a>
  <li>tmḫṣ: gram. → D. ind. perf. trans, 2msg, 3fsg. <em>trans. </em>she destroyed -- remark(s): 
  Occur.: <a href="">ktu1.3:ii:l7</a> -- <em>analysis: </em>suggestion of <a href="../computation/corpus_ilimilku.xml#ktu1-3_ii_l7_int">hermeneutics;</a> taxo., subcat. of emotion's v. as a concept of “<a href="../computation/corpus_ilimilku.xml#m%E1%B8%AB%E1%B9%A302">humiliation</a>.” 
   <!-- DATA THAT I CANNOT DISPLAY : --> <a href="">BabelNet</a>, <a href="">Framework</a>

To sum up: if @xml:id of <gloss> of second TEI (corpus_ilimilku.xml) = @ana[2] of <re> of current TEI (in Fiddle content), then display idno @type URI of each ref that belongs to same parent node of gloss.

I hope my explanation is clear. Sorry for my lack of English...

In advance, thank you.


  • I found the solution with the kind support of @Martin. First, I changed second TEI:

      <category n="1" xml:id="humiliation" ana="#verb.emotion">
         <catDesc >subcategory of emotion's verb as a concept of: humiliation
           <term ana="#mḫṣ02 #ṣmt01" type="baseForm">
              <ptr n="1" target="" source="BabelNet" />
              <ptr n="2" target="" source="WordNet" next="{01804206}" />
              <ptr n="3" target="" source="VerbNet" />
              <ptr n="4" target="" source="VerbNet" />
              <ptr n="5" target="" source="FrameNet" />
          <category ana="#verb.emotion #humiliation" xml:lang="uga">
              <gloss n="1" xml:id="mḫṣ02" cert="high"/> 

    Then for XSL, following addition:

    <xsl:param name="f2" select="'../computation/corpus_ilimilku.xml'"/>
    <!-- key to look for @xml:id of <gloss> within TEI -->
    <xsl:key name="gloss-ref" match="category[category/gloss]" use="category/gloss/@xml:id"/>
    <!-- variable for "f2" -->
    <xsl:variable name="doc2" select="document($f2)"/>
    <!-- within template match="entryFree" and <ul><li> -->
    <xsl:apply-templates select="key('gloss-ref', translate($re-ana2, '#', ''), $doc2)//term/ptr[@target]"/>
    <!-- template to display <xsl:apply-templates> -->
    <xsl:template match="ptr">
        <xsl:variable name="href-ptr-target" select="@target"/>
        <a href="{$href-ptr-target}">
         <xsl:value-of select="@source"/>
         <xsl:if test="@next">
          <xsl:value-of select="@next"/>
        <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="position() != last()">
            <xsl:text>, </xsl:text> </xsl:when>
            <xsl:otherwise><xsl:text>. </xsl:text></xsl:otherwise>

    Result, according to Fiddle, new XSL (between <!-- --> in Fiddle), and second TEI content:

      <li>tmḫṣ: gram. → D. ind. perf. trans, 2msg, 3fsg. <em>trans. </em>she destroyed -- remark(s): Occur.: <a href="">ktu1.3:ii:l7</a> -- <em>analysis: </em>suggestion of <a href="../computation/corpus_ilimilku.xml#ktu1-3_ii_l7_int">hermeneutics;</a> taxo., subcat. of emotion's v. as a concept of “<a href="../computation/corpus_ilimilku.xml#m%E1%B8%AB%E1%B9%A302">humiliation</a>.” Related to: <a href="">BabelNet, </a><a href="">WordNet{01804206}, </a><a href="">VerbNet, </a><a href="">VerbNet, </a><a href="">FrameNet.</a></li>