What is a reliable way to use data URIs for images? I know IE6/7 don't support them, so will this work?
.My question is: will the image be fetched in <noscript>
even if the browser supports javascript and data URIs?
If you do want to go down this road (and I personally would not bother), you could do it...
// Parse user agent and figure out if this browser supports data
// URIs - e.g. `supportDataUri()`. Also, store the image path
// somewhere - I'll assume for convenience an attribute called `data-image-src`
if ( ! supportDataUri()) {
var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var i = 0, imagesLength = images.length; i < imagesLength; i++) {
var imgSrc = images[i].getAttribute('data-image-src');
images[i].src = imgSrc;