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Anchor tag to some element in same page id doesn't work

Haai. I have a trouble in my little project. I've create <a href="slogannya">some icon</a> and <blockquote id="slogannya">but when I click the <a> tag it doesn't work. Here is my code :


<section class="to-content">
        <a class="scrollTo" href="#slogannya">
          <button type="button">
            <i class="material-icons">keyboard_arrow_down</i>
      <section class="slogan">
        <blockquote id="slogannya">
          <p>Wanna create an event? <br> or you want to give some advice to us? Use the form below </p>


$(document).ready(function () {
  $(".scrollTo").on('click', function (e) {
      var target = $(this).attr('href');
      $('html, body').animate({
          scrollTop: ($(target).offset().top)
      }, 2000);


How can I made this work? Please help me :)


I know what my problems is. In my project, I have a css called 'general.css' (this css content css reset and other styling for any page). In this css, it makes any element to be box-sizing: border-box; and others style. I don't know specifically what the problems. But when I remove my 'general.css', the smooth scroll is work. Thank you for all your answers friends :) , I'm appreciate it!!


  • All you need is HTML some <a>nchors and any element you want (even more <a>nchors go crazy). BTW the reason targeting id wasn't working for you is because the href requires a prefix of # to the url. ex. <a href="#ID"... Another reason that it may not work is that the <a>nchor and the destination element are too close to each other, so ideally a destination should be at least far enough that scrolling is needed to get there.

    • For a destination element, ensure that it has an #id. ex <div id='ID'...

    • Next, for each destination, create one or more <a>nchors and set their href values as #+ID. ex. <a href='#ID...

    • If the destination element happens to be an <a>nchor, we can use the name attribute as well. ex. <a name='NAME'...


    main {
      margin: 50px auto;
    a[name] {
      background: black;
      color: white
    <main id='main'>
        <h1>Anchor Test</h1>
          <a href='#s0'>Section 1</a>
          <a href='#s1'>Section 2</a>
          <a href='#s2'>Section 3</a>
        <nav id='toTop'>
          <a href='#end'>End 🔻</a>
          <a href='#a0'>Two-handed Weapon</a>
          <a href='#a1'>Cheapskates</a>
          <a href='#a2'>Devil Dance</a>
      <section id='s0'>
        <h2>Section 1</h2>
        <p>Base save bonus checked cold dangers cold domain compulsion subschool constrict current hit points dead diminutive domain spell flank gargantuan hit hit die improved grab knocked down manufactured weapons movement modes negative energy plane off hand
          psionics result skill points spell version threat total cover transitive plane turn resistance turn undead undeath domain. Angel subtype caster level concealment continuous damage death domain energy drained extraplanar subtype guardinal subtype
          improved evasion lethal damage medium melee attack pounce rake subject <a name='a0'>two-handed weapon</a> undead type.</p>
      <section id='s1'>
        <h2>Section 2</h2>
        <p>And it better be long as the troubles in my head hammer my bones on the anvil of daylight i'd buy some time i'm so tired don't know where to begin into your brother's cup just to see the dogs runnin on a blackboard night ringin' in my ears the information
          is ravenous you're acting like it's chill, when the deal's getting. And all the toilets are overflowing and i'm falling out of the conversation and the band playin' down below are those dogs or are those dogmas? black can spell to be day in the
          club tonight doldrums are pounding, <a name='a1'>cheapskates</a> are clowning this town flap your wings and leap out the window how do you play? she doesn't even know it's wrong she's the sister of avarice sipping the golden days on a riptide snooty.
          some static is lulling me to sleep talkin' to the devil and drinkin' a coke the dishes wash good to meet you in that land try not to drown where can you duck when they shoot you full of pigeon holes who are you? you said go.</p>
      <section id='s2'>
        <h2>Section 3</h2>
        <p>A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. boys will be boys. curiosity killed the cat. cut your coat according to your cloth. do not bite the hand that feeds you. do not change horses in midstream. first impressions are the most lasting. he who hesitates
          is lost. if at first you do not succeed, try, try again. it is best to be on the safe side. kindness in words creates confidence. kindness in thinking creates profoundness. kindness in giving creates love. let the buyer beware. let your hair down.
          lightning never strikes twice in the same place. money makes many things, but also makes <a name='a2'>devil dance</a>. never speak ill of the dead. one might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. penny wise and pound foolish. practice makes perfect.
          silence is golden. talk is cheap. the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. the road to hell is paved with good intentions. there is no accounting for tastes. third time is a charm. to the victor go the spoils. walnuts and pears
          you plant for your heirs. you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs..</p>
        <a href='#s0'>Section 1</a>
        <a href='#s1'>Section 2</a>
        <a href='#s2'>Section 3</a>
      <nav id='end'>
        <a href='#main'>Top 🔺</a>