In the process of learning tkinter, I came up against a problem: I can't add an image into a button:
from tkinter import*
from tkinter import ttk
button.config(image=photo, compound=RIGHT)
That code makes an error:
<ipython-input-30-6ad3ebb78b5b> in <module>()
7 button.grid()
8 photo=PhotoImage(file="giphy.gif")
----> 9 button.config(image=photo, compound=RIGHT)
11 root.mainloop()
/usr/lib/python3.5/tkinter/ in configure(self, cnf, **kw)
1331 the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
1332 """
-> 1333 return self._configure('configure', cnf, kw)
1334 config = configure
1335 def cget(self, key):
/usr/lib/python3.5/tkinter/ in _configure(self, cmd, cnf, kw)
1322 if isinstance(cnf, str):
1323 return self._getconfigure1(_flatten((self._w, cmd, '-'+cnf)))
-> 1324, cmd)) + self._options(cnf))
1325 # These used to be defined in Widget:
1326 def configure(self, cnf=None, **kw):
TclError: image "pyimage.." doesn't exist
Why is it so? And how can I fix it?
As furas said in the comment, your code is perfectly runnable with python
The error comes from the fact you are running it inside Jupyter QtConsole.
To be able to run it in the Jupyter QtConsole, you need to explicitly tell tkinter what is the parent window of the PhotoImage
. I think this is because in the console, the default parent is not the Tk
instance you created but some hidden window. Because of that, the parent of your image is not the parent of the button, so tkinter does not find the image.
The following code should run in the console:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
root = tk.Tk()
button = ttk.Button(root)
photo = tk.PhotoImage(file="giphy.gif", master=root)
button.config(image=photo, compound=tk.RIGHT)