I have a relatively simple issue, which seems as if it should be achievable, but I have tried absolutely everything with no success.
Here is the situation:
Using Power Query inside Excel I would like to be able to combine multiple queries (lets call these: Query1, Query2 and Query3) into one single query using the Table.Combine function.
The only catch is that the list of queries I will be combining will be dynamic and dependant on another query (lets call this: QueryList)
For example, under certain circumstances QueryList will be:
and under some other condtions QueryList may simply be:
What I would like to do is to be able to parse the value of QueryList into the Table.Combine Function:
eg. Table.Combine(#"QueryList")
and thereby allow dynamic consolidation of queries
Whats happening is that I am getting an error that states:
Expression.Error: We cannot convert the value "Query1" to type Table. Details: Value=Query1 Type=Type
Update: I have tried variations of Table.ToList, using { } to create a list, TableFromlist, all with no success (normally errors complain about not being able to comvert from text to list or to table etc.
Thanks in advance for the help.
If your QueryList would be {Query1, Query2} then Table.Combine(QueryList) would work.
Apparently, your QueryList is {"Query1", "Query2"}.
So the strings must be converted to tables, which can be done using Expression.Evaluate. As second parameter, you must supply a record with all possible queries, so the formula becomes, for Query1, Query2, Query3:
= Table.Combine(List.Transform(QueryList, each Expression.Evaluate(_, [Query1 = Query1, Query2 = Query2, Query3 = Query3])))