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Proving the principle of explosion in Agda

Since Agda is intuitionistic one has to postulate the law of excluded middle. But as far as I know, intuitionistic logic accepts ex falso quodlibet or the principle of explosion (the theorem that everything follows from absurdity). How can one prove this postulate:

  data ⊥ : Set where

  postulate exp : ∀ {n} {x : Set n} → ⊥ → x


  • One can prove the principle of explosion as follows

      data ⊥ : Set where
      exp : ∀ {n} {x : Set n} → ⊥ → x
      exp ()

    If one does not know how to prove this, one may start with a hole:

      data ⊥ : Set where
      exp : ∀ {n} {x : Set n} → ⊥ → x
      exp absurd = {! !}

    Then, in emacs agda2-mode one can press C-c C-l to typecheck, so that hole will be replaced and emacs will show the target. In this case target is of type .x. Then one can click on that hole and press C-c C-c and type absurd to split this function by variable absurd. Emacs will produce the final result as given above.