HexRays generates the following code:
void __cdecl Psx_gte_ncs_446930()
double vx_scaled; // st7
double vy_scaled; // st6
double vz_scaled; // st5
double light_matrix_2; // st7
double light_colour_matrix_3; // st7
char v5; // cl
char never_written_v7; // c0
char v9; // c0
char never_written_v11; // c0
double light_matrix_0; // [esp+0h] [ebp-24h]
double b_value; // [esp+0h] [ebp-24h]
double light_matrix_1; // [esp+8h] [ebp-1Ch]
double light_colour_matrix_2; // [esp+10h] [ebp-14h]
double g_value; // [esp+10h] [ebp-14h]
double light_colour_matrix_1; // [esp+18h] [ebp-Ch]
double r_value; // [esp+18h] [ebp-Ch]
++gGteData_722688.gte_ncs_count_72268C; // Normal color single
vx_scaled = (double)gGte_VXY0_993EC0.regs.VX * 0.000244140625;
vy_scaled = (double)gGte_VXY0_993EC0.regs.VY * 0.000244140625;
vz_scaled = (double)gGte_VXY0_993EC0.regs.VZ * 0.000244140625;
light_matrix_0 = ((double)gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m[0][2] * vz_scaled
+ (double)gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m[0][1] * vy_scaled
+ (double)gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m[0][0] * vx_scaled)
* 0.000244140625;
light_matrix_1 = ((double)gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m[1][2] * vz_scaled
+ (double)gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m[1][1] * vy_scaled
+ (double)gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m[1][0] * vx_scaled)
* 0.000244140625;
light_matrix_2 = ((double)gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m[2][2] * vz_scaled
+ (double)gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m[2][1] * vy_scaled
+ (double)gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m[2][0] * vx_scaled)
* 0.000244140625;
if ( light_matrix_0 < 0.0 )
light_matrix_0 = 0.0;
if ( light_matrix_1 < 0.0 )
light_matrix_1 = 0.0;
if ( light_matrix_2 < 0.0 )
light_matrix_2 = 0.0;
if ( light_matrix_0 > 7.999 )
light_matrix_0 = 7.999;
if ( light_matrix_1 > 7.999 )
light_matrix_1 = 7.999;
if ( light_matrix_2 > 7.999 )
light_matrix_2 = 7.999;
light_colour_matrix_1 = ((double)gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m[0][2] * light_matrix_2
+ (double)gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m[0][1] * light_matrix_1
+ (double)gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m[0][0] * light_matrix_0
+ (double)gGte_background_colour_993E74.x)
* 0.000244140625;
light_colour_matrix_2 = ((double)gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m[1][2] * light_matrix_2
+ (double)gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m[1][1] * light_matrix_1
+ (double)gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m[1][0] * light_matrix_0
+ (double)gGte_background_colour_993E74.y)
* 0.000244140625;
light_colour_matrix_3 = (light_matrix_2 * (double)gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m[2][2]
+ (double)gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m[2][1] * light_matrix_1
+ (double)gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m[2][0] * light_matrix_0
+ (double)gGte_background_colour_993E74.z)
* 0.000244140625;
if ( light_colour_matrix_1 < 0.0 )
light_colour_matrix_1 = 0.0;
if ( light_colour_matrix_2 < 0.0 )
light_colour_matrix_2 = 0.0;
if ( light_colour_matrix_3 < 0.0 )
light_colour_matrix_3 = 0.0;
if ( light_colour_matrix_1 > 7.999 )
light_colour_matrix_1 = 7.999;
if ( light_colour_matrix_2 > 7.999 )
light_colour_matrix_2 = 7.999;
if ( light_colour_matrix_3 > 7.999 )
light_colour_matrix_3 = 7.999;
gGte_RGB0_993F10.cd = gGte_RGB1_993F14.cd;
r_value = (double)gGte_r_993ED8 * light_colour_matrix_1 * 0.00390625;
gGte_RGB1_993F14.cd = gGte_RGB2_993F18.cd;
gGte_RGB2_993F18.cd = gGte_OTZ_993EDB;
gGte_RGB0_993F10.r = gGte_RGB1_993F14.r;
gGte_RGB1_993F14.r = gGte_RGB2_993F18.r;
v5 = 0;
g_value = (double)gGte_g_993ED9 * light_colour_matrix_2 * 0.00390625;
b_value = (double)gGte_b_993EDA * light_colour_matrix_3 * 0.00390625;
if ( never_written_v7 )
gGte_RGB2_993F18.r = 0;
else if ( r_value * 256.0 <= 255.0 )
gGte_RGB2_993F18.r = (signed int)(r_value * 256.0);
gGte_RGB2_993F18.r = -1;
gGte_RGB0_993F10.g = gGte_RGB1_993F14.g;
gGte_RGB1_993F14.g = gGte_RGB2_993F18.g;
if ( v9 )
gGte_RGB2_993F18.g = 0;
else if ( g_value * 256.0 <= 255.0 )
gGte_RGB2_993F18.g = (signed int)(g_value * 256.0);
gGte_RGB2_993F18.g = -1;
gGte_RGB0_993F10.b = gGte_RGB1_993F14.b;
gGte_RGB1_993F14.b = gGte_RGB2_993F18.b;
if ( never_written_v11 )
goto LABEL_39;
if ( b_value * 256.0 <= 255.0 )
v5 = (signed int)(b_value * 256.0);
gGte_RGB2_993F18.b = v5;
goto LABEL_40;
gGte_RGB2_993F18.b = -1;
gGte_MAC1_993F24.MAC_32 = (signed int)(r_value * 4096.0);
gGte_MAC2_993F28.MAC_32 = (signed int)(g_value * 4096.0);
gGte_MAC3_993F2C.MAC_32 = (signed int)(b_value * 4096.0);
Which comes from the following asm:
.text:00446930 ; Attributes: bp-based frame
.text:00446930 ; void __cdecl Psx_gte_ncs_446930()
.text:00446930 Psx_gte_ncs_446930 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_443D4F+238↑p
.text:00446930 light_matrix_0 = qword ptr -24h
.text:00446930 light_matrix_1 = qword ptr -1Ch
.text:00446930 light_colour_matrix_2= qword ptr -14h
.text:00446930 light_colour_matrix_1= qword ptr -0Ch
.text:00446930 var_4 = dword ptr -4
.text:00446930 push ebp
.text:00446931 mov ebp, esp
.text:00446933 sub esp, 24h
.text:00446936 inc gGteData_722688.gte_ncs_count_72268C
.text:0044693C movsx eax, word ptr gGte_VXY0_993EC0
.text:00446943 movsx ecx, word ptr gGte_VXY0_993EC0+2
.text:0044694A mov [ebp+var_4], eax
.text:0044694D fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446950 movsx edx, word ptr gGte_VXY0_993EC0+4
.text:00446957 fmul ds:dbl_64BF78
.text:0044695D mov [ebp+var_4], ecx
.text:00446960 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446963 movsx eax, gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m+4
.text:0044696A fmul ds:dbl_64BF78
.text:00446970 mov [ebp+var_4], edx
.text:00446973 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446976 movsx ecx, gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m+2
.text:0044697D fmul ds:dbl_64BF78
.text:00446983 mov [ebp+var_4], eax
.text:00446986 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446989 movsx edx, gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m
.text:00446990 fmul st, st(1)
.text:00446992 mov [ebp+var_4], ecx
.text:00446995 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446998 mov [ebp+var_4], edx
.text:0044699B movsx eax, gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m+0Ah
.text:004469A2 fmul st, st(3)
.text:004469A4 movsx ecx, gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m+8
.text:004469AB faddp st(1), st
.text:004469AD fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:004469B0 mov [ebp+var_4], eax
.text:004469B3 movsx edx, gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m+6
.text:004469BA fmul st, st(4)
.text:004469BC movsx eax, gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m+10h
.text:004469C3 faddp st(1), st
.text:004469C5 fmul ds:dbl_64BF78
.text:004469CB fstp [ebp+light_matrix_0]
.text:004469CE fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:004469D1 mov [ebp+var_4], ecx
.text:004469D4 movsx ecx, gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m+0Eh
.text:004469DB fmul st, st(1)
.text:004469DD fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:004469E0 mov [ebp+var_4], edx
.text:004469E3 movsx edx, gGte_light_source_matrix_993E60.m+0Ch
.text:004469EA fmul st, st(3)
.text:004469EC faddp st(1), st
.text:004469EE fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:004469F1 mov [ebp+var_4], eax
.text:004469F4 fmul st, st(4)
.text:004469F6 faddp st(1), st
.text:004469F8 fmul ds:dbl_64BF78
.text:004469FE fstp [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446A01 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446A04 mov [ebp+var_4], ecx
.text:00446A07 fmul st, st(1)
.text:00446A09 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446A0C mov [ebp+var_4], edx
.text:00446A0F fmul st, st(3)
.text:00446A11 faddp st(1), st
.text:00446A13 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446A16 fmul st, st(4)
.text:00446A18 faddp st(1), st
.text:00446A1A fmul ds:dbl_64BF78
.text:00446A20 fstp st(3)
.text:00446A22 fstp st
.text:00446A24 fstp st
.text:00446A26 fld [ebp+light_matrix_0]
.text:00446A29 fcomp ds:dbl_64A328
.text:00446A2F fnstsw ax
.text:00446A31 test ah, 1
.text:00446A34 jz short loc_446A44
.text:00446A36 mov dword ptr [ebp+light_matrix_0], 0
.text:00446A3D mov dword ptr [ebp+light_matrix_0+4], 0
.text:00446A44 loc_446A44: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+104↑j
.text:00446A44 fld [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446A47 fcomp ds:dbl_64A328
.text:00446A4D fnstsw ax
.text:00446A4F test ah, 1
.text:00446A52 jz short loc_446A62
.text:00446A54 mov dword ptr [ebp+light_matrix_1], 0
.text:00446A5B mov dword ptr [ebp+light_matrix_1+4], 0
.text:00446A62 loc_446A62: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+122↑j
.text:00446A62 fcom ds:dbl_64A328
.text:00446A68 fnstsw ax
.text:00446A6A test ah, 1
.text:00446A6D jz short loc_446A77
.text:00446A6F fstp st
.text:00446A71 fld ds:dbl_64A328
.text:00446A77 loc_446A77: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+13D↑j
.text:00446A77 fld [ebp+light_matrix_0]
.text:00446A7A fcomp ds:dbl_64BFB0
.text:00446A80 fnstsw ax
.text:00446A82 test ah, 41h
.text:00446A85 jnz short loc_446A95
.text:00446A87 mov dword ptr [ebp+light_matrix_0], 0DB22D0E5h
.text:00446A8E mov dword ptr [ebp+light_matrix_0+4], 401FFEF9h
.text:00446A95 loc_446A95: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+155↑j
.text:00446A95 fld [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446A98 fcomp ds:dbl_64BFB0
.text:00446A9E fnstsw ax
.text:00446AA0 test ah, 41h
.text:00446AA3 jnz short loc_446AB3
.text:00446AA5 mov dword ptr [ebp+light_matrix_1], 0DB22D0E5h
.text:00446AAC mov dword ptr [ebp+light_matrix_1+4], 401FFEF9h
.text:00446AB3 loc_446AB3: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+173↑j
.text:00446AB3 fcom ds:dbl_64BFB0
.text:00446AB9 fnstsw ax
.text:00446ABB test ah, 41h
.text:00446ABE jnz short loc_446AC8
.text:00446AC0 fstp st
.text:00446AC2 fld ds:dbl_64BFB0
.text:00446AC8 loc_446AC8: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+18E↑j
.text:00446AC8 movsx eax, gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m+4
.text:00446ACF movsx ecx, gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m+2
.text:00446AD6 mov [ebp+var_4], eax
.text:00446AD9 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446ADC movsx edx, gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m
.text:00446AE3 fmul st, st(1)
.text:00446AE5 mov [ebp+var_4], ecx
.text:00446AE8 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446AEB mov [ebp+var_4], edx
.text:00446AEE movsx eax, gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m+0Ah
.text:00446AF5 fmul [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446AF8 movsx ecx, gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m+8
.text:00446AFF faddp st(1), st
.text:00446B01 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446B04 mov [ebp+var_4], eax
.text:00446B07 movsx edx, gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m+6
.text:00446B0E fmul [ebp+light_matrix_0]
.text:00446B11 movsx eax, gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m+10h
.text:00446B18 faddp st(1), st
.text:00446B1A fild gGte_background_colour_993E74.x
.text:00446B20 faddp st(1), st
.text:00446B22 fmul ds:dbl_64BF78
.text:00446B28 fstp [ebp+light_colour_matrix_1]
.text:00446B2B fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446B2E mov [ebp+var_4], ecx
.text:00446B31 movsx ecx, gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m+0Eh
.text:00446B38 fmul st, st(1)
.text:00446B3A fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446B3D mov [ebp+var_4], edx
.text:00446B40 movsx edx, gGte_light_colour_matrix_source_993E80.m+0Ch
.text:00446B47 fmul [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446B4A faddp st(1), st
.text:00446B4C fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446B4F mov [ebp+var_4], eax
.text:00446B52 fmul [ebp+light_matrix_0]
.text:00446B55 faddp st(1), st
.text:00446B57 fild gGte_background_colour_993E74.y
.text:00446B5D faddp st(1), st
.text:00446B5F fmul ds:dbl_64BF78
.text:00446B65 fstp [ebp+light_colour_matrix_2]
.text:00446B68 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446B6B mov [ebp+var_4], ecx
.text:00446B6E fmulp st(1), st
.text:00446B70 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446B73 mov [ebp+var_4], edx
.text:00446B76 fmul [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446B79 faddp st(1), st
.text:00446B7B fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446B7E fmul [ebp+light_matrix_0]
.text:00446B81 faddp st(1), st
.text:00446B83 fild gGte_background_colour_993E74.z
.text:00446B89 faddp st(1), st
.text:00446B8B fmul ds:dbl_64BF78
.text:00446B91 fld [ebp+light_colour_matrix_1]
.text:00446B94 fcomp ds:dbl_64A328
.text:00446B9A fnstsw ax
.text:00446B9C test ah, 1
.text:00446B9F jz short loc_446BAF
.text:00446BA1 mov dword ptr [ebp+light_colour_matrix_1], 0
.text:00446BA8 mov dword ptr [ebp+light_colour_matrix_1+4], 0
.text:00446BAF loc_446BAF: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+26F↑j
.text:00446BAF fld [ebp+light_colour_matrix_2]
.text:00446BB2 fcomp ds:dbl_64A328
.text:00446BB8 fnstsw ax
.text:00446BBA test ah, 1
.text:00446BBD jz short loc_446BCD
.text:00446BBF mov dword ptr [ebp+light_colour_matrix_2], 0
.text:00446BC6 mov dword ptr [ebp+light_colour_matrix_2+4], 0
.text:00446BCD loc_446BCD: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+28D↑j
.text:00446BCD fcom ds:dbl_64A328
.text:00446BD3 fnstsw ax
.text:00446BD5 test ah, 1
.text:00446BD8 jz short loc_446BE2
.text:00446BDA fstp st
.text:00446BDC fld ds:dbl_64A328
.text:00446BE2 loc_446BE2: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+2A8↑j
.text:00446BE2 fld [ebp+light_colour_matrix_1]
.text:00446BE5 fcomp ds:dbl_64BFB0
.text:00446BEB fnstsw ax
.text:00446BED test ah, 41h
.text:00446BF0 jnz short loc_446C00
.text:00446BF2 mov dword ptr [ebp+light_colour_matrix_1], 0DB22D0E5h
.text:00446BF9 mov dword ptr [ebp+light_colour_matrix_1+4], 401FFEF9h
.text:00446C00 loc_446C00: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+2C0↑j
.text:00446C00 fld [ebp+light_colour_matrix_2]
.text:00446C03 fcomp ds:dbl_64BFB0
.text:00446C09 fnstsw ax
.text:00446C0B test ah, 41h
.text:00446C0E jnz short loc_446C1E
.text:00446C10 mov dword ptr [ebp+light_colour_matrix_2], 0DB22D0E5h
.text:00446C17 mov dword ptr [ebp+light_colour_matrix_2+4], 401FFEF9h
.text:00446C1E loc_446C1E: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+2DE↑j
.text:00446C1E fcom ds:dbl_64BFB0
.text:00446C24 fnstsw ax
.text:00446C26 test ah, 41h
.text:00446C29 jnz short loc_446C33
.text:00446C2B fstp st
.text:00446C2D fld ds:dbl_64BFB0
.text:00446C33 loc_446C33: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+2F9↑j
.text:00446C33 mov eax, dword ptr gGte_r_993ED8
.text:00446C38 mov edx, 0FFh
.text:00446C3D and eax, edx
.text:00446C3F xor ecx, ecx
.text:00446C41 mov [ebp+var_4], eax
.text:00446C44 mov cl, gGte_g_993ED9
.text:00446C4A fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446C4D mov [ebp+var_4], ecx
.text:00446C50 xor eax, eax
.text:00446C52 mov al, gGte_b_993EDA
.text:00446C57 mov cl, gGte_RGB1_993F14.cd
.text:00446C5D fmul [ebp+light_colour_matrix_1]
.text:00446C60 mov gGte_RGB0_993F10.cd, cl
.text:00446C66 mov cl, byte ptr gGte_OTZ_993EDB
.text:00446C6C fmul ds:dbl_64BFA8
.text:00446C72 fstp [ebp+light_colour_matrix_1]
.text:00446C75 fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446C78 mov [ebp+var_4], eax
.text:00446C7B mov al, gGte_RGB2_993F18.cd
.text:00446C80 mov gGte_RGB1_993F14.cd, al
.text:00446C85 mov al, gGte_RGB1_993F14.r
.text:00446C8A fmul [ebp+light_colour_matrix_2]
.text:00446C8D mov gGte_RGB2_993F18.cd, cl
.text:00446C93 mov cl, gGte_RGB2_993F18.r
.text:00446C99 mov gGte_RGB0_993F10.r, al
.text:00446C9E mov gGte_RGB1_993F14.r, cl
.text:00446CA4 fmul ds:dbl_64BFA8
.text:00446CAA xor cl, cl
.text:00446CAC fstp [ebp+light_colour_matrix_2]
.text:00446CAF fild [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446CB2 fmul st, st(1)
.text:00446CB4 fmul ds:dbl_64BFA8
.text:00446CBA fstp [ebp+light_matrix_0]
.text:00446CBD fstp st
.text:00446CBF fld [ebp+light_colour_matrix_1]
.text:00446CC2 fmul ds:dbl_64BF90
.text:00446CC8 fcom ds:dbl_64A328
.text:00446CCE fst [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446CD1 fnstsw ax
.text:00446CD3 test ah, 1
.text:00446CD6 jz short loc_446CE2
.text:00446CD8 fstp st
.text:00446CDA mov gGte_RGB2_993F18.r, cl
.text:00446CE0 jmp short loc_446D05
.text:00446CE2 loc_446CE2: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+3A6↑j
.text:00446CE2 fcomp ds:dbl_64BF88
.text:00446CE8 fnstsw ax
.text:00446CEA test ah, 41h
.text:00446CED jnz short loc_446CF7
.text:00446CEF mov gGte_RGB2_993F18.r, dl
.text:00446CF5 jmp short loc_446D05
.text:00446CF7 loc_446CF7: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+3BD↑j
.text:00446CF7 fld [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446CFA fistp [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446CFD mov al, byte ptr [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446D00 mov gGte_RGB2_993F18.r, al
.text:00446D05 loc_446D05: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+3B0↑j
.text:00446D05 ; Psx_gte_ncs_446930+3C5↑j
.text:00446D05 fld [ebp+light_colour_matrix_2]
.text:00446D08 mov al, gGte_RGB1_993F14.g
.text:00446D0D fmul ds:dbl_64BF90
.text:00446D13 mov gGte_RGB0_993F10.g, al
.text:00446D18 mov al, gGte_RGB2_993F18.g
.text:00446D1D mov gGte_RGB1_993F14.g, al
.text:00446D22 fcom ds:dbl_64A328
.text:00446D28 fst [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446D2B fnstsw ax
.text:00446D2D test ah, 1
.text:00446D30 jz short loc_446D3C
.text:00446D32 fstp st
.text:00446D34 mov gGte_RGB2_993F18.g, cl
.text:00446D3A jmp short loc_446D5F
.text:00446D3C loc_446D3C: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+400↑j
.text:00446D3C fcomp ds:dbl_64BF88
.text:00446D42 fnstsw ax
.text:00446D44 test ah, 41h
.text:00446D47 jnz short loc_446D51
.text:00446D49 mov gGte_RGB2_993F18.g, dl
.text:00446D4F jmp short loc_446D5F
.text:00446D51 loc_446D51: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+417↑j
.text:00446D51 fld [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446D54 fistp [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446D57 mov al, byte ptr [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446D5A mov gGte_RGB2_993F18.g, al
.text:00446D5F loc_446D5F: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+40A↑j
.text:00446D5F ; Psx_gte_ncs_446930+41F↑j
.text:00446D5F fld [ebp+light_matrix_0]
.text:00446D62 mov al, gGte_RGB1_993F14.b
.text:00446D67 fmul ds:dbl_64BF90
.text:00446D6D mov gGte_RGB0_993F10.b, al
.text:00446D72 mov al, gGte_RGB2_993F18.b
.text:00446D77 mov gGte_RGB1_993F14.b, al
.text:00446D7C fcom ds:dbl_64A328
.text:00446D82 fst [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446D85 fnstsw ax
.text:00446D87 test ah, 1
.text:00446D8A jz short loc_446D90
.text:00446D8C fstp st
.text:00446D8E jmp short loc_446DAE
.text:00446D90 loc_446D90: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+45A↑j
.text:00446D90 fcomp ds:dbl_64BF88
.text:00446D96 fnstsw ax
.text:00446D98 test ah, 41h
.text:00446D9B jnz short loc_446DA5
.text:00446D9D mov gGte_RGB2_993F18.b, dl
.text:00446DA3 jmp short loc_446DB4
.text:00446DA5 loc_446DA5: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+46B↑j
.text:00446DA5 fld [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446DA8 fistp [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446DAB mov cl, byte ptr [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446DAE loc_446DAE: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+45E↑j
.text:00446DAE mov gGte_RGB2_993F18.b, cl
.text:00446DB4 loc_446DB4: ; CODE XREF: Psx_gte_ncs_446930+473↑j
.text:00446DB4 fld [ebp+light_colour_matrix_1]
.text:00446DB7 fmul ds:dbl_64BF70
.text:00446DBD fstp [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446DC0 fld [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446DC3 fistp [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446DC6 fld [ebp+light_colour_matrix_2]
.text:00446DC9 fmul ds:dbl_64BF70
.text:00446DCF mov edx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446DD2 mov dword ptr gGte_MAC1_993F24, edx
.text:00446DD8 fstp [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446DDB fld [ebp+light_matrix_1]
.text:00446DDE fistp [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446DE1 fld [ebp+light_matrix_0]
.text:00446DE4 fmul ds:dbl_64BF70
.text:00446DEA mov eax, [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446DED mov dword ptr gGte_MAC2_993F28, eax
.text:00446DF2 fstp [ebp+light_matrix_0]
.text:00446DF5 fld [ebp+light_matrix_0]
.text:00446DF8 fistp [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446DFB mov ecx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:00446DFE mov dword ptr gGte_MAC3_993F2C, ecx
.text:00446E04 mov esp, ebp
.text:00446E06 pop ebp
.text:00446E07 retn
.text:00446E07 Psx_gte_ncs_446930 endp
Now what I can't figure out is how should the code around:
fmul ds:dbl_64BF90
fcom ds:dbl_64A328
fst [ebp+light_matrix_1]
fnstsw ax
test ah, 1
jz short loc_446CE2
fstp st
mov gGte_RGB2_993F18.r, cl
jmp short loc_446D05
Should be decompiled. Since
b_value = (double)gGte_b_993EDA * light_colour_matrix_3 * 0.00390625;
if ( never_written_v7 )
gGte_RGB2_993F18.r = 0;
Can't be correct if never_written_v7 is never written.
After much digging I managed to scale down the issue to this:
Original source code:
#include <stdio.h>
struct Reg_RGB
char r, g, b, cd;
Reg_RGB gGte_RGB2_993F18;
short int field_0_v = 123;
unsigned char gGte_r_993ED8 = 99;
unsigned char gGte_g_993ED9 = 15;
void Test2()
double g_value = (double)gGte_g_993ED9 * field_0_v;
double r_value = (double)gGte_r_993ED8 * field_0_v;
if ( r_value * 256.0 < 0.0)
gGte_RGB2_993F18.r = 0;
else if ( r_value * 256.0 <= 255.0 )
gGte_RGB2_993F18.r = (signed int)(r_value * 256.0);
if (g_value * 256.0 < 255.0)
Which VC5 generates the following asm for:
.text:00401000 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:00401000 ; void __cdecl Test2()
.text:00401000 public ?Test2@@YAXXZ
.text:00401000 ?Test2@@YAXXZ proc near ; DATA XREF: .rdata:off_408488↓o
.text:00401000 var_C = dword ptr -0Ch
.text:00401000 g_value = qword ptr -8
.text:00401000 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:00401003 movsx eax, field_0_v ; 123
.text:0040100A mov ecx, gGte_r_993ED8 ; 99
.text:00401010 mov edx, gGte_g_993ED9 ; 15
.text:00401016 mov [esp+0Ch+var_C], eax
.text:0040101A and ecx, 0FFh
.text:00401020 fild [esp+0Ch+var_C]
.text:00401024 mov [esp+0Ch+var_C], ecx
.text:00401028 and edx, 0FFh
.text:0040102E fild [esp+0Ch+var_C]
.text:00401032 fxch st(1)
.text:00401034 fstp [esp+0Ch+g_value]
.text:00401038 fmul [esp+0Ch+g_value]
.text:0040103C mov [esp+0Ch+var_C], edx
.text:00401040 fild [esp+0Ch+var_C]
.text:00401044 fxch st(1)
.text:00401046 fmul ds:dbl_408000 ; 256.0
.text:0040104C fxch st(1)
.text:0040104E fmul [esp+0Ch+g_value]
.text:00401052 fld st(1)
.text:00401054 fcomp ds:dbl_408008 ; 0.0
.text:0040105A fstp [esp+0Ch+g_value] ; any other instruction between fcom/fcomp and fnstsw will break HexRays decompiler
.text:0040105E fnstsw ax
.text:00401060 test ah, 1
.text:00401063 jz short loc_401070
.text:00401065 fstp st
.text:00401067 mov gGte_RGB2_993F18, 0
.text:0040106E jmp short loc_40108B
.text:00401070 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00401070 loc_401070: ; CODE XREF: Test2(void)+63↑j
.text:00401070 fcom ds:dbl_408010
.text:00401076 fnstsw ax
.text:00401078 test ah, 41h
.text:0040107B jz short loc_401089
.text:0040107D call __ftol
.text:00401082 mov gGte_RGB2_993F18, al
.text:00401087 jmp short loc_40108B
.text:00401089 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00401089 loc_401089: ; CODE XREF: Test2(void)+7B↑j
.text:00401089 fstp st
.text:0040108B loc_40108B: ; CODE XREF: Test2(void)+6E↑j
.text:0040108B ; Test2(void)+87↑j
.text:0040108B fld [esp+0Ch+g_value]
.text:0040108F fmul ds:dbl_408000
.text:00401095 fcomp ds:dbl_408010
.text:0040109B fnstsw ax
.text:0040109D test ah, 1
.text:004010A0 jz short loc_4010AF
.text:004010A2 push offset aHello1 ; "Hello1\n"
.text:004010A7 call _printf
.text:004010AC add esp, 4
.text:004010AF loc_4010AF: ; CODE XREF: Test2(void)+A0↑j
.text:004010AF add esp, 0Ch
.text:004010B2 retn
.text:004010B2 ?Test2@@YAXXZ endp
And HexRays decompiler generates:
void __cdecl Test2()
double temp; // ST08_8
double r_value; // st7
char never_written; // c0
double g_value; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h]
temp = (double)field_0_v;
r_value = (double)(unsigned __int8)gGte_r_993ED8 * temp * 256.0;
g_value = (double)(unsigned __int8)gGte_g_993ED9 * temp;
if ( never_written )
gGte_RGB2_993F18 = 0;
else if ( r_value <= 255.0 )
gGte_RGB2_993F18 = (signed __int64)r_value;
if ( g_value * 256.0 < 255.0 )
Here we can see that the decompiler has again generated incorrect output because char never_written; // c0
should never exist and it should actually be using r_value
This limitation or bug in the decompiler seems to trigger when other floating point instructions are executed after fcom
and before fnstsw
. In this case it appears that fstp
is what causes the broken output.
Re-arranging the code so that the sequnce is fcom
followed by fnstsw
resolves the issue.