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Netscaler Action - Replace Period with Hyphen

I am trying to use a Content Switching Action in my netscaler to replace the periods in a domain name with a hyphen.

This is how I am doing this currently;


Not only does this look really sloppy, but it only works for a 3 part domain name.

EG: it works for "" but not ""

I haven't been able to find a simple .REPLACE(str, result) for the HOSTNAME or DOMAIN parts.

.PATH provides a simple to use .PATH.GET( int_path_part ), but HOSTNAME does not.

I am using version 11.0.69 Netscaler software.

What am I missing here? This seems like it should be simple to do but the Expression Editor seems to handicap my ability to do this.


  • RE "I haven't been able to find a simple .REPLACE(str, result) for the HOSTNAME or DOMAIN parts."

    On a Rewrite Action choose type= Replace_ALL || Replace

    You can either do a logical replace with regular expressions or a static replace where you simply have 1 rewrite policy / action for each application. You can also do a KV Pair type of replace where you lookup in a kv pair for what to replace