I have a Drupal config file that contains sets of lines like this:
* 'driver' => 'mysql',
* 'database' => 'databasename',
* 'username' => 'username',
* 'password' => 'password',
* 'host' => 'localhost',
* 'prefix' => '',
(2 times actually) and it also has a set of lines like this:
array (
'database' => 'dba',
'username' => 'admin',
'password' => 'admin1234',
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => '',
'driver' => 'mysql',
'prefix' => '',
(Occurs only 1 time in the file)
The difference, as shown, is that there is no star mark * (Comments tags) on the lines that I need to target/match.
I'm using the following regex, but it is not returning the desired string.
preg_match("#'password' => '(.*?)'#isU",$file_source , $pass);
This is my attempted regex pattern demo: https://regex101.com/r/lDA4y4/2
What I want is the password value: admin1234
You can hack at your config file with regex...
(here is the demo for the optimized pattern: /^ {6}'password' => '\K[^']*/m
However, I worry that you are completely missing the point/beauty of having a .php
config file.
If you just include
(or require
) the file in scripts that need it, then you will have direct and clean access to all of the variables and configurations that it holds. This means after:
include('config.php'); // you may need to modify the path for your case
$db=$databases['default']['default']; // I recommend this line to simplify variable access
You will be able to access variables like this:
$db['database']; // = dba
$db['username']; // = admin
$db['password']; // = admin1234
$db['host']; // = localhost
$db['port']; // [empty string]
$db['driver']; // = mysql
$db['prefix']; // [empty string]
As a consequence, you will also benefit from the other non-commented declarations within.
$update_free_access = FALSE;
$drupal_hash_salt = 'N5wfuEGIDhz8C8LuelMlQjkosDt2Avr9ygNciIbmAqw';
ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1);
ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 100);
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 200000);
ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 2000000);
$conf['404_fast_paths_exclude'] = '/\/(?:styles)|(?:system\/files)\//';
$conf['404_fast_paths'] = '/\.(?:txt|png|gif|jpe?g|css|js|ico|swf|flv|cgi|bat|pl|dll|exe|asp)$/i';
$conf['404_fast_html'] = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/xhtml-rdfa-1.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>Not Found</h1><p>The requested URL "@path" was not found on this server.</p></body></html>';
If you don't want any of these other declarations, then you comment them out or manually create a new config file that contains only your desired declarations (additionally you could simplify the $databases
array structure).