Get-ChildItem -Path \\$SiteMachineName\c$\ProgramData\Scripts\log -Recurse |
Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-40)} |
select * |
Select -ExpandProperty FullName |
Copy-Item -Destination C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\PS
This is the script I'm trying to run, It grabs all the files older then 40 days from the script folder on a remote machine. This part works. The issue is that if I don't have a folder on my desktop named PS, it just creates a file named PS instead of copying all the files to that folder location.
I would like it to create that folder location if it does not exist.
This is not a duplicate adding the -force -Recurse gives the error
Copy-Item : Could not find a part of the path
adding the New-Item to the Destination flag resolved the issue.
Try replacing your Copy-Item
's Destination
flag with a New-Item -force
copy-item -Destination (new-item -type directory -force ("C:\Users\<username>\Desktop\PS")) -force