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Async testing scenario fails when call made to command interface

I have a problem with testing an ICommand scenario in a Xamarin project. I have extracted the logic into a demonstration below.

Scenario N1 runs smoothly however I need Scenario N2 to work. The problem with scenario N2 is that as soon as it gets to the

await Task.Run(() => Task.Delay(1000)); 

it jumps back to the test method Assert where obviously the SetSurveyContext(int x) is not executed yet.

The strangest thing is that if I run this code from the Xamarin framework inside the app everything works fine probably because I am executing the Command in a wrong manner.

Really stuck with this question, I have tried numerous ways to run the command but neither have worked. Please help if someone has come across the same problem. Thanks.

Scenario 1 - working

public async Task NewSurvey_SendObjectWithOnlyDate_StaticSurveyResourceIdAndDateSet()
        var mvmTest = new TesterPage();
        await mvmTest.NewSurvey();
        Assert.That(mvmTest.setter, Is.EqualTo(3));

public partial class TesterPage : ContentPage
    public int setter = 0;

    public TesterPage()
        InitializeComponent ();

    public async Task NewSurvey()
        await PostNewSurvey();

    private async Task PostNewSurvey()
        var response = await Another();

    private async Task<int> Another()
       await Task.Run(() => Task.Delay(1000));
       return 3;

    private void SetSurveyContext(int x)
        setter = x;

Test green, everything runs smoothly.

Scenario N2 - fails

public async Task NewSurvey_SendObjectWithOnlyDate_StaticSurveyResourceIdAndDateSet()
        var mvmTest = new TesterPage();
        Assert.That(mvmTest.setter, Is.EqualTo(3));

public partial class TesterPage : ContentPage
    public int setter = 0;

    public TesterPage ()
        InitializeComponent ();
        NewSurveyCommand = new Command(async () => await NewSurvey());

    public ICommand NewSurveyCommand { get; private set; }

    public async Task NewSurvey()
        await PostNewSurvey();

    private async Task PostNewSurvey()
        var response = await Another();

    private async Task<int> Another()
       await Task.Run(() => Task.Delay(1000));
       return 3;

    private void SetSurveyContext(int x)
        setter = x;


  • Because I have solved this problem with @YuriZolotarev in chat, here the solution we found for everyone else who encounters it:
    The problem:
    When Task.Run() is called in TesterPage.Another() the main thread jumps back to the test method. There it executes Assert.That() immediately, even before SetSurveyContext has set setter to3.
    The solution:
    We found the solution to create a new private field in TesterPage which should contain the Task started in TesterPage.Another(). This Task can be waited for in the test method via Reflection. Everything could look like this:

    public async Task NewSurvey_SendObjectWithOnlyDate_StaticSurveyResourceIdAndDateSet()
        var mvmTest = new TesterPage();
        // Use Reflection to wait for the task
        (GetInstanceField(typeof(TesterPage), mvmTest, "runningTask") as Task).Wait();
        Assert.That(mvmTest.setter, Is.EqualTo(3));
    // A helper method to simplify Reflection
    internal static object GetInstanceField(Type type, object instance, string fieldName)
        BindingFlags bindFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic
        | BindingFlags.Static;
        FieldInfo field = type.GetField(fieldName, bindFlags);
        return field.GetValue(instance);
    public partial class TesterPage : ContentPage
        public int setter = 0;
        private Task runningTask; // The field our Task object is saved in
        public TesterPage ()
            InitializeComponent ();
            NewSurveyCommand = new Command(async () => await (runningTask = NewSurvey()));
        public ICommand NewSurveyCommand { get; private set; }
        public async Task NewSurvey()
            await PostNewSurvey();
        private async Task PostNewSurvey()
            var response = await Another();
        private async Task<int> Another()
            await Task.Run(() => Task.Delay(1000));
            return 3;
        private void SetSurveyContext(int x)
            setter = x;