I am attempting to generate a dynamic class implementing an interface, but where one or more of the members already exists in the base. I compiled the following code in C# and examined it in reflector to see what the C# compiler does.
class BaseClass
public string Bob
get { return "Bob"; }
interface IStuff
string Bob { get; }
class SubClass : BaseClass, IStuff
Reflector does not show any implementation in SubClass.
.class private auto ansi beforefieldinit SubClass
extends Enterprise.Services.OperationalActions.Business.Filters.BaseClass
implements Enterprise.Services.OperationalActions.Business.Filters.IStuff
But if I do not emit the member explicitly, TypeBuilder.CreateType()
throws an InvalidOperationException
stating that the member does not have an implementation. So my question is, how do I tell TypeBuilder
that an interface member should take it's implementation from the base?
It looks like with TypeBuilder
you will have to add a private pass-thru, just to make it happy (below). You could also try using the IKVM builder - almost identical API, but it might not have this limitation.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
public class BaseClass
public string Bob
get { return "Bob"; }
public interface IStuff
string Bob { get; }
static class Program
static void Main()
var name = new AssemblyName("foo");
var asm = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
var mod = asm.DefineDynamicModule("foo");
var parent = typeof(BaseClass);
var type = mod.DefineType("SubClass", parent.Attributes, parent);
var bob_get = type.DefineMethod("bob_get", MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.Private,
typeof(string), Type.EmptyTypes);
var il = bob_get.GetILGenerator();
il.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, parent.GetProperty("Bob").GetGetMethod(), null);
type.DefineMethodOverride(bob_get, typeof(IStuff).GetProperty("Bob").GetGetMethod());
var final = type.CreateType();
IStuff obj = (IStuff) Activator.CreateInstance(final);