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How can I use pyparsing to parse nested expressions that have multiple opener/closer types?

I'd like to use pyparsing to parse an expression of the form: expr = '(gimme [some {nested [lists]}])', and get back a python list of the form: [[['gimme', ['some', ['nested', ['lists']]]]]]. Right now my grammar looks like this:

nestedParens = nestedExpr('(', ')')
nestedBrackets = nestedExpr('[', ']')
nestedCurlies = nestedExpr('{', '}')
enclosed = nestedParens | nestedBrackets | nestedCurlies

Presently, enclosed.searchString(expr) returns a list of the form: [[['gimme', ['some', '{nested', '[lists]}']]]]. This is not what I want because it's not recognizing the square or curly brackets, but I don't know why.


  • Here's a pyparsing solution that uses a self-modifying grammar to dynamically match the correct closing brace character.

    from pyparsing import *
    data = '(gimme [some {nested, nested [lists]}])'
    opening = oneOf("( { [")
    nonBracePrintables = ''.join(c for c in printables if c not in '(){}[]')
    closingFor = dict(zip("({[",")}]"))
    closing = Forward()
    # initialize closing with an expression
    closing << NoMatch()
    closingStack = []
    def pushClosing(t):
        closing << Literal( closingFor[t[0]] )
    def popClosing():
        closing << closingStack.pop()
    matchedNesting = nestedExpr( opening, closing, Word(alphas) | Word(nonBracePrintables) )
    print matchedNesting.parseString(data).asList()


    [['gimme', ['some', ['nested', ',', 'nested', ['lists']]]]]

    Updated: I posted the above solution because I had actually written it over a year ago as an experiment. I just took a closer look at your original post, and it made me think of the recursive type definition created by the operatorPrecedence method, and so I redid this solution, using your original approach - much simpler to follow! (might have a left-recursion issue with the right input data though, not thoroughly tested):

    from pyparsing import *
    enclosed = Forward()
    nestedParens = nestedExpr('(', ')', content=enclosed) 
    nestedBrackets = nestedExpr('[', ']', content=enclosed) 
    nestedCurlies = nestedExpr('{', '}', content=enclosed) 
    enclosed << (Word(alphas) | ',' | nestedParens | nestedBrackets | nestedCurlies)
    data = '(gimme [some {nested, nested [lists]}])' 
    print enclosed.parseString(data).asList()


    [['gimme', ['some', ['nested', ',', 'nested', ['lists']]]]]

    EDITED: Here is a diagram of the updated parser, using the railroad diagramming support coming in pyparsing 3.0. railroad diagram