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Android: vertical space around text with custom typeface

I downloaded some fonts from the Noto font family, put them in the assets folder, and loaded them into a Typeface object, and then I programmatically set the typeface on a TextView, but when I do that there's some extra vertical padding above and below the text. It's as if the text height or line height was changed.

Note that I'm using Kotlin/Anko, so the syntax might look weird compared to regular Java/XML:

textView {
    text = someSpannableString
    padding = dip(10)
    isSelectable = true
    typeface = someTypefaceInstance

I tried to do this:

setLineSpacing(0f, 1f)

But it did not change anything.

For what it's worth, the particular typeface here is "NotoSerifCJKjp-Regular.otf"


  • try with this in xml


    includeFontPadding removes the padding reserved for accents and lineSpacingExtra removes the space between two lines of text.

    Hope it helps..