How can we install modules in zend framework 3 manually?. I mean without using composer how can we do that?
I got a better solution. By editing 3 files we can add a module without using composer. 1.modules.config.php in config folder Just add the module name in the return array. 2. autoload_psr4.php in vendor/composer directory Add your module information to return array in following format 'Modulename\' => array($modulepath), 3. autoload_static.php in vendor/composer directory Here we have to add the module information in two places 1. In $prefixLengthsPsr4 array as 'M' => array( 'Modulename\' => 11, ), The key value indicates the first letter of module name and the numerical value is the length of modulename +1(for /). 2. In $prefixDirsPsr4 array as 'modulename\' => array ( 0 => DIR . '/../..' . '/module/modulename/src', ), Its done.Thank you :-)