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Ruby, Prefer {...} over do...end for single-line blocks. But error

I have this code in a .rb Class file:

field :user, Types::UserType do resolve ->(_obj, _args, ctx) { ctx[:user] } end

what I need is to remove do and end from the single line using, I think, the {}.

[Style/BlockDelimiters] Prefer{...}overdo...endfor single-line blocks.

But I don't understand why it throws this error:

[ruby] syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting '('
[ruby] syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting keyword_end

RuboCop version

$ rubocop -V
0.51.0 (using Parser, running on ruby 2.4.2 x64-mingw32)


  • To appease the Rubocop, switch either to this:

    field :user, Types::UserType do
      resolve ->(_obj, _args, ctx) { ctx[:user] }

    Or this:

    field(:user, Types::UserType) { resolve ->(_obj, _args, ctx) { ctx[:user] } }

    I'd argue the former is a lot cleaner than the latter, but it's up to you.