I am using ValueInjecter to map properties from a Domain model to a DTO served up via a Service Layer. The service in question also accepts updates... so an updated DTO is passed in and this is then injected to the domain object and saved.
// Domain
public class Member
public Country Country { get; set; }
public class Country
public string Code { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class MemberDto
public string CountryCode { get; set; }
//Transformation Method attempt 1
public Member InjectFromDto (MemberDto dto, Member source)
source = source.InjectFrom<UnflatLoopValueInjection>(dto);
return source;
Now all this above code does is updates the Property Member.Country.Code which is obviously not what I need it to do.
So from the docs, I figured I needed to create an override and got this:
public class CountryLookup: UnflatLoopValueInjection<string, Country>
protected override Country SetValue(string sourcePropertyValue)
return countryService.LookupCode(sourcePropertyValue);
//revised transformation call
//Transformation Method attempt 2
public Member InjectFromDto (MemberDto dto, Member source)
source = source.InjectFrom<UnflatLoopValueInjection>(dto)
return source;
My problem is during debugging, CountryLookup never gets called.
Possible reasons I can think of:
I need to use the CountryCode property on the Dto to call a countryService.LookupCode to return the correct object to use during the update injection.
Using the suggestion/reference from Omu this was the specific code to the problem.
public class CountryLookup : ExactValueInjection
private ICountryService countryservice;
public CountryLookup(ICountryService countryService)
this.countryService = countryService;
protected override bool TypesMatch(Type s, Type t)
return (s == typeof(string)) && (t == typeof (Country));
protected override Object SetValue(object v)
if (v == null)
return null;
var country = countryService.LookupCode((string) v);
return country;
public override string SourceName()
return "CountryCode";
public override string TargetName()
return "Country";
public Member InjectFromDto (MemberDto dto, Member source)
source = source.InjectFrom<UnflatLoopValueInjection>(dto)
return source;