I have created package with couple of procedures, which are working perfectly, when I access package using my own username and password (package owner's). To access my package from another user ora17, I granted privileges:
grant execute on package_name TO ora17;
then from ora17 user I ran following:
CREATE SYNONYM package_name FOR LOGIN.package_name;
following teacher's instructions.
Trying to access my program from browser, f.e. using url: https://somehost/pls/st12/package_name.customers
I am getting following error:
Thu, 28 Dec 2017 15:12:19 GMT
Failed to parse target procedure
package_name.customers: PROCEDURE DOESN'T EXIST
What am I doing wrong here?
UPD: executing
describe package_name;
it gives me error:
ORA-04043: object "LOGIN"."PACKAGE_NAME" does not exist
Solution for this was simple, I just should have put owner's username instead of LOGIN here:
CREATE SYNONYM package_name FOR LOGIN.package_name;