One of +60 columns I pass to Excel is a hyperlink
private object GetApplicationUrl(int id)
var environmentUri = _configurationManager.Default.AppSettings["EnvironmentUri"];
return $"=HYPERLINK(\"{environmentUri}://TradingObject={id}/\", \"{id}\");";
this resolves external protocol and opens particular deal in another application. This works, but initially, the hyperlink formula is unevaluated, forcing the users to evaluate it first. I use object array:
protected void SetRange(object[,] range, int rows, int columns, ExcelCell start = null)
start = start ?? GetCurrentCell();
() =>
var data = new ExcelReference(start.Row, start.Row + (rows - 1), start.Column, start.Column + (columns - 1));
How can I force the excel to evaluate it?
I tried several things, but they did not work. For example:
return XlCall.Excel(
$"HYPERLINK(\"{environmentUri}://TradingObject={id}/\", \"{id}\")");
maybe I am using an incorrect flag or missing something.
I found out several ways to fix it, but not all of them worked as I expected. In short, I came up with calling the cell formula value instead.
private void SetFormulaColumn(List<int> ids, ExcelCell cell)
var wSheet = ((Application)ExcelDnaUtil.Application).ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet;
for (var i = 0; i < ids.Count; i++)
wSheet.Cells(cell.Row + i, cell.Column).Formula = GetApplicationUrl(ids[i]);
It is probably slightly less performant but works well enough to be considered as a valid solution.