My script recognizes the given image, but if two of the same images are present it will ignore the second one. I want to count it as found 2 times at different locations. There are five rows where the same text-image can appear:
[Results found]: Additional Damage of Critical Hits +1% found.
Func Awakes_adoch()
ToolTip('Scanning for adoch awakes', 0, 0)
$adoch1 = _ImageSearchArea("images/adoch/adoch1.png", 1, 0, 0, 400, 390, $x, $y, 0)
If ($adoch1 = 1) Then
$awake_adoch_attribute_count += 1
$adoch3 = _ImageSearchArea("images/adoch/adoch3.png", 1, 0, 0, 400, 390, $x, $y, 0)
If ($adoch3 = 1) Then
$awake_adoch_attribute_count += 3
$adoch5 = _ImageSearchArea("images/adoch/adoch5.png", 1, 0, 0, 400, 390, $x, $y, 0)
If ($adoch5 = 1) Then
$awake_adoch_attribute_count += 5
$adoch7 = _ImageSearchArea("images/adoch/adoch7.png", 1, 0, 0, 400, 390, $x, $y, 0)
If ($adoch7 = 1) Then
$awake_adoch_attribute_count += 7
$adoch9 = _ImageSearchArea("images/adoch/adoch9.png", 1, 0, 0, 400, 390, $x, $y, 0)
If ($adoch9 = 1) Then
$awake_adoch_attribute_count += 9
$adoch11 = _ImageSearchArea("images/adoch/adoch11.png", 1, 0, 0, 400, 390, $x, $y, 0)
If ($adoch11 = 1) Then
$awake_adoch_attribute_count += 11
$adoch13 = _ImageSearchArea("images/adoch/adoch13.png", 1, 0, 0, 400, 390, $x, $y, 0)
If ($adoch13 = 1) Then
$awake_adoch_attribute_count += 13
$adoch15 = _ImageSearchArea("images/adoch/adoch15.png", 1, 0, 0, 400, 390, $x, $y, 0)
If ($adoch15 = 1) Then
$awake_adoch_attribute_count += 15
$adoch17 = _ImageSearchArea("images/adoch/adoch17.png", 1, 0, 0, 400, 390, $x, $y, 0)
If ($adoch17 = 1) Then
$awake_adoch_attribute_count += 17
$adoch19 = _ImageSearchArea("images/adoch/adoch19.png", 1, 0, 0, 400, 390, $x, $y, 0)
If ($adoch19 = 1) Then
$awake_adoch_attribute_count += 19
ToolTip('[Scan]: Additional Damage of Critical Hits +' & $awake_adoch_attribute_count & '% found.', 0, 0)
If the output window shows like below, it should be able to add up to 25:
Additional Damage of Critical Hits +3%
DEF + 40
Additional Damage of Critical Hits +3%
DEF + 4
Additional Damage of Critical Hits +19%
Another example:
I’m looking for a solution that doesn’t skip numbers or adds them from a previous shot to the next.
relatively easy, as all searched images are below each other (would be much more difficult, when searched images were at random locations):
#include "ImageSearch64.au3"
$searchpath = "c:\users\50022505\Downloads\" ; where are my images?
$x = 0 ; dummy parameter for coordinates
$y = 0 ; dummy parameter for coordinates
$Damage = 100
ConsoleWrite("Initial Damage: " & $Damage & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite("Resulting Damage: " & $Damage & @CRLF)
Func AddDamage()
$Damage += GetLocations($searchpath & "adoch1.png")
$Damage += GetLocations($searchpath & "adoch5.png") * 5
$Damage += GetLocations($searchpath & "adoch9.png") * 9
$Damage += GetLocations($searchpath & "adoch11.png") * 11
Return $Damage
EndFunc ;==>AddDamage
Func GetLocations($search)
Local $Findings = 0, $found = 0
Local $dx = 0, $dy = 0 ;sub coordinates
While 1
Local $found = _ImageSearchArea($search, 1, $dx, $dy, 400, 390, $x, $y, 0)
If $found = 0 Then Return $Findings ; no more findings
$Findings += 1
$dy = $y ; set new coordinate window to search (excluding last finding)
EndFunc ;==>GetLocations