I have a LiveData
object that depends on another LiveData
. As I understand, Transformations.switchMap
should allow to chain them. But switchMap
handler is triggered only once and it doesn't react on further updates. If instead I use observe
on the first object and, when it's ready, retrieve the second, it works fine but in this case I have to do it in Activity
rather than ViewModel
. Is it possible to chain LiveData
objects, like Transformations.switchMap
, but receive all updates, not only the first one?
Here is an attempt to use switchMap
LiveData<Resource<User>> userLiveData = usersRepository.get();
return Transformations.switchMap(userLiveData, resource -> {
if (resource.status == Status.SUCCESS && resource.data != null) {
return apiService.cartItems("Bearer " + resource.data.token);
} else {
return AbsentLiveData.create();
Here is an approach with observe
in activity (works but requires to keep logic in activity):
viewModel.user().observe(this, x -> {
if (x != null && x.data != null) {
viewModel.items(x.data.token).observe(this, result -> {
// use result
As a workaround, I used MediatorLiveData
. I add the result of the first call as a source and, when it's ready, replace it with a final call:
MediatorLiveData<MyResponse> result = new MediatorLiveData<>();
LiveData<Resource<User>> source = this.get();
result.addSource(source, resource -> {
if (resource.status == Status.SUCCESS && resource.data != null) {
result.addSource(apiService.cartItems("Bearer " + resource.data.token), result::postValue);
return result;