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adb acting up when connecting to devices using a script

I'm trying to automate some things and get adb to connect to a list of devices. I'm using curl to retrieve a list of IP's but for the sake of simplicity I'm just using a simple file right now with the content being:

I have tried to execute

cat devices | xargs -L1 -t ./adb connect

which results in

/adb connect
:5555cted to
/adb connect
:5555cted to

and adb devices yields

List of devices attached

Which does not make any sense to me. If I manually enters the connect-commands, adb devices says

List of devices attached      offline       offline

which is more like what I would have expected (except for the two weird devices). To me it seems like the input (commands) are the same but the output is different but what causes the difference? I have also tried a simple "while read line do ... end" script which results in the same weird behavior.



  • I think the problem is most likely due to the presence of CRLF line terminators coming in from copy pasting text from a Windows machine. You can check that by doing

    file devices 
    devices: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators

    You need to convert CRLF to LF, to do so you can run this command.

    dos2unix devices