I am new to the DynamoDB and Flask , I have endpoint which insert the records to the dynamo database, my payload is look like this
"Address": "2013 3A New Jersey",
"Contact_Number1": "1105632",
"Contact_Number2": "1105632",
"DOB": "1968-08-12",
"Father": "FTest2",
"First_name": "FTest2",
"Gender": "Male",
"Hospital_Reg_Num": "HRM123",
"Husband": "HTest2",
"Last_name": "LTest2",
"Last_visit_date": "2017-11-12",
"Mother": "MTest2",
"patient_id": "100"
and my flaska api code is like this
def createPatient(): try: userId = request.json.get('user_id') firstName = request.json.get('First_name') lastName = request.json.get('Last_name') gender = request.json.get('Gender') dob = request.json.get('DOB') except KeyError: raise InvalidUsage('Bad Request', status_code=400)
father = request.json.get('Father') if 'Father' in request.json else None
mother = request.json.get('Mother') if 'Mother' in request.json else None
husband = request.json.get('Husband') if 'Husband' in request.json else None
address = request.json.get('Address') if 'Address' in request.json else None
lastVisitDate= request.json.get('Last_visit_date') if 'Last_visit_date' in request.json else None
#create a new db entry
userData = {
'user_id': { 'N': userId },
'First_name': { 'S': firstName },
'Last_name': { 'S': lastName },
'Hospital_Reg_Num': { 'S': hospitalReg },
'Gender': { 'S': gender },
'DOB': { 'S': dob },
'Father': { 'S': father },
'Mother': { 'S': mother },
'Husband': { 'S': husband },
'Address': { 'S': address },
'Last_visit_date': { 'S': lastVisitDate }
resp = client.put_item(TableName='user',Item=userData)
return jsonify(resp), 200
If in payload i missed any parameters say father name then its not inserting the other records its giving me an error
Invalid type for parameter Item.Father.S, value: None, type: <class 'NoneType'>, valid types: <class 'str'>
Can you please help me how can i ignore the fatherName to insert record in dynamo db? want to update the record whatever sent by the payload
Instead of setting missing parameters to None, set them as an empty string. For example:
father = request.json.get(‘Father’, ‘’)
The second arg returns a default value if the specified key is not found.