I am having trouble accessing a route which appears to be not nested when I run routes, but is nested in routes.rb
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
sort_list POST /lists/:id/sort(.:format) lists#sort
list POST /lists/:id(.:format) lists#create
list_items GET /lists/:list_id/items(.:format) items#index
POST /lists/:list_id/items(.:format) items#create
new_list_item GET /lists/:list_id/items/new(.:format) items#new
edit_item GET /items/:id/edit(.:format) items#edit
item GET /items/:id(.:format) items#show
PATCH /items/:id(.:format) items#update
PUT /items/:id(.:format) items#update
DELETE /items/:id(.:format) items#destroy
project_lists GET /projects/:project_id/lists(.:format) lists#index
POST /projects/:project_id/lists(.:format) lists#create
new_project_list GET /projects/:project_id/lists/new(.:format) lists#new
edit_list GET /lists/:id/edit(.:format) lists#edit
GET /lists/:id(.:format) lists#show
PATCH /lists/:id(.:format) lists#update
PUT /lists/:id(.:format) lists#update
DELETE /lists/:id(.:format) lists#destroy
projects GET /projects(.:format) projects#index
POST /projects(.:format) projects#create
new_project GET /projects/new(.:format) projects#new
edit_project GET /projects/:id/edit(.:format) projects#edit
project GET /projects/:id(.:format) projects#show
PATCH /projects/:id(.:format) projects#update
PUT /projects/:id(.:format) projects#update
DELETE /projects/:id(.:format) projects#destroy
react POST /react(.:format) reacts#create
new_react GET /react/new(.:format) reacts#new
edit_react GET /react/edit(.:format) reacts#edit
GET /react(.:format) reacts#show
PATCH /react(.:format) reacts#update
PUT /react(.:format) reacts#update
DELETE /react(.:format) reacts#destroy
Here is Routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :projects do
resources :lists, shallow: true do
member do
post :sort
resources :items, shallow: true
resource :react
And my link_to
<%= link_to %(<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>).html_safe, controller: :lists, action: :create ,remote: true, method: :post %>
I get the error
No route matches {:action=>"create", :controller=>"lists", :method=>:post}
I am confused because when I rake routes it returns that there is a create action for list. I obviously can't access it normally. I appreciate any help.
try this: -
As per your routes you need to pass project_id
for create action as params
<%= link_to project_lists_path(project_id: project.id), method: :post, remote: true do%>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>
or you can also try this:-
<%= link_to project_lists_path(project), method: :post, remote: true do%>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>