This is the code in HPE UFT that successfully runs the query and displays a msg box. I would like it to store the query results or at least 1 column of the query results in the HPE UFT data table so that I can run a loop on those loan numbers later.
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "provider=123ABC;Server=T1;User Id=****;
Password=****; Database=i_prod;Trusted_Connection=Yes"
sqlQuery="SELECT Table1 AS LoanNumber, lm.loanrecordid, clm.istexasconversion as TexasConversion FROM Table1 lm WITH (NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN Table2 clm WITH (NOLOCK) ON clm.lenderdatabaseid = lm.lenderdatabaseid AND clm.loanrecordid = lm.loanrecordid Where clm.istexasconversion IS NOT NULL" sqlQuery, objConnection
value = objRecordSet.fields.item(0)
msgbox Value
Set objConnection = Nothing
Set objRecordSet = Nothing
This is the query used in SQL.
lm.loanid AS LoanNumber
,column2 as Texas
FROM table1 lm WITH (NOLOCK)
ON clm.lenderdatabaseid = lm.lenderdatabaseid
AND clm.loanrecordid = lm.loanrecordid
To start with, it helps if you define the parameter names initially in the table like this:
Datatable.AddParameter("LoanNumber", dtGlobal)
Datatable.AddParameter("LoanID", dtGlobal)
Datatable.AddParameter("TexasConversion", dtGlobal)
This will set the first three columns of the Global datatable with the name of the parameter you are going to insert.
Then, for ease of use, put the data in your RecordSet
into an Array
myArray = objRecordSet.GetRows ' do this before you close the recordset
And finally, loop around the two dimensional array to populate the table with data:
For myLoop = 0 to UBound(myArray, 2) ' loop over the total rows
DataTable.SetCurrentRow(myLoop + 1) ' +1 as row count starts from 1 not 0
Datatable("LoanNumber") = myArray(0, myLoop)
Datatable("LoanID") = myArray(1, myLoop)
Datatable("TexasConversion") = myArray(2, myLoop)
And if you need to store a copy of the datatable (unless you plan to only use this data during the run, you will need to):
If you have any trouble following this, post a comment and I'll try to explain further.