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Laravel 5 Broadcast Event to WildCard Channel using Node and Laravel-Echo-Server

I have two roles, Doctors, and Patients...

When a Patient does action A, I want a broadcast to go out to a list of Doctors, not All of the Doctors, but a list of them..

In my testing, I was able to accomplish this by subscribing with redis in node to channels prefixed with Doctor and a hyphen then UserID...

redis.subscribe('Doctor-1', function(err, count) {

However, for production, I can not hardcode that ID, what I need is something like the following

redis.subscribe('Doctor-*', function(err, count) {

But the wildcard does not seem to work...

Any ideas on how I can subscribe to a wildcard ?


  •, PubSub Documentation

    Wikipedia, Glob Programming

    The Redis Pub/Sub implementation supports pattern matching. Clients may subscribe to glob-style patterns in order to receive all the messages sent to channel names matching a given pattern.

    For instance:

    PSUBSCRIBE news.*

    So your snippet could change to

    redis.subscribe('Doctor.*', function(err, count) {});

    So it will receive any for Doctor with ID Doctor.1 or more in depth

    Doctors.<groupId>.<DoctorId> and so on.