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Subtag context in DotLiquid (with forms)

I'd like to be able to access the object passed to a form tag in DotLiquid within child tags. Something like this:

{% form '/action' requestObject %}
    {% textinput Name %}
    <button type="submit">Create Request</button>
{% endform %}

Where the textinput tag looks for a name field on requestObject and then puts the value into a text input field. My liquidese is a rather rusty so if I'm going about this all wrong I'm open to coherent screaming about what a dolt I am and what I need to do to be better.


  • This is easily done in the tag renderer with Context's Stack:

    public class Form : Block
        // public override void Initialize...
        public override void Render(Context context, TextWriter writer)
            context.Stack(() =>
                context["form_obj"] = new FormObject();
                base.Render(context, result);

    Before running the action passed to it, Stack pushes a new Hash variable stack (that looks up the chain for unset variables) and then pops it at the end. Perfect for localized scope of variables.