I know what __slots__
does and what it's supposed to be used for.
However I have not found a comprehensive answer as to how the underlaying mechanisms of the member
descriptor created using __slots__
Where are the object-level values actually stored?
Is there a way to change these values without direct attribute access to the descriptors?
(ex. when class C
has __dict__
you can do C.__dict__['key']
instead of C.key
Can one "extend" the immutability of an object defining __slots__
by creating similar class-level descriptors? And as further elaboration of this; can one build an immutable object using metaclasses but not defining __slots__
explicitly by creating said descriptors manually?
attributes are allocated in the native memory representation of the object, and the descriptor associated to the class that access then actually uses native C methods in CPython to set and retrieve a reference to the Python objects attributed to each slot attribute on the class instances as a C structure.
The descriptor for slots, presented in Python with the name member_descriptor
is defined here: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Objects/descrobject.c
You can't perform or enhance these descriptors from pure Python code in anyway without using CTypes to interact with native code.
It is possible to get to their type by doing something like
class A:
__slots__ = "a"
member_descriptor = type(A.a)
And then one could supose it would be possible to inherit from it, and write derived __get__
and __set__
methods that could do chekings and such - but unfortunately, it won't work as a base class.
However, it is possible to write other, parallel, descriptors that could in turn call the native descriptors to actually store the values.
By using a metaclass, it is possible at class creation time to rename the passed in __slots__
and wrap their access in custom descriptors that could perform extra checks - and even hide then from "dir".
So, for a naive type checking slots variant metaclass, one could have
class TypedSlot:
def __init__(self, name, type_):
self.name = name
self.type = type_
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if not instance:
return self
return getattr(instance, "_" + self.name)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if not isinstance(value, self.type):
raise TypeError
setattr(instance, "_" + self.name, value)
class M(type):
def __new__(metacls, name, bases, namespace):
new_slots = []
for key, type_ in namespace.get("__slots__", {}).items():
namespace[key] = TypedSlot(key, type_)
new_slots.append("_" + key)
namespace["__slots__"] = new_slots
return super().__new__(metacls, name, bases, namespace)
def __dir__(cls):
return [name for name in super().__dir__() if name not in cls.__slots__]