I'm having trouble with a script i judged simple, yet here I am! The thing is I have no real problem with the ACTUAL script, but with the Maya UI.
It seems I can't avoid the creation of multiple windows, nor delete it using deleteUI("nemeOfUI"). thats driving me crazy. I looked up on line and it seems I'm doing it alright and I just can't finde the answer.
Here the whole code.
Attention to lines 15 16 17 18, 110, 208.
I know the code isnt' the cleanest but its versin 1.2. Once it is working I'll do the cleaning! Thank you!
import pymel.core as pm
from functools import partial
import os.path
global sizeChoice
def drawUi():
if (pm.window("ChangeTextureFiles_v1.2", query = True, exists = True)):
changeTexWindow = pm.window("ChangeTextureFiles_v1.2",
sizeable = False,
width = 300,
height = 175,
minimizeButton = False,
maximizeButton = False
uiTabs = pm.tabLayout(width = 300,
height = 175,
parent = changeTexWindow
uiColumn1 = pm.columnLayout("Change Texture Files",
rowSpacing = 5,
parent = changeTexWindow,
width = 300
uiColumn2 = pm.columnLayout("Help",
rowSpacing = 5,
parent = changeTexWindow,
width = 300
uiRowExtra = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 1, parent = uiColumn1, h = 2)
uiRow0 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, parent = uiColumn1, h = 15)
pm.separator(style = "none", height = 10, width = 2, horizontal = False)
pm.text("Change texture...")
uiRow1 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, parent = uiColumn1, h = 15)
uiRow2 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, parent = uiColumn1, h = 15)
uiRow3 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, parent = uiColumn1, h = 15)
options = pm.radioCollection(parent = uiRow1)
opt1 = pm.radioButton(parent = uiRow1, label = "From all objects in the scene", data=1)
opt2 = pm.radioButton(parent = uiRow2, label = "From only selected objects", data=2)
opt3 = pm.radioButton(parent = uiRow3, label = "From all objects in scene but selected", data=3)
options = cmds.radioCollection( options, edit=True, select=opt1 )
uiRow4 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, parent = uiColumn1)
uiRow5 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 2, parent = uiColumn1)
pm.text('Type the size of texture you want:', parent = uiRow5, annotation = "Enter values as '1,2 3...'. Check Help tab. ", width = 215)
sizeChoice = pm.textField(parent = uiRow5, width = 60, annotation = "Enter values as '1,2 3...'. Check Help tab. ")
uiRow6 = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, parent = uiColumn1)
allB = pm.button(label = "Apply", width = 115, command = partial(passValue, options, sizeChoice, 0))
selB = pm.button(label = "Apply and close", width = 115, command = partial(passValue, options, sizeChoice, 1))
otherB = pm.button(label = "Cancel", width = 54, command = "closeUi()")
helpTxt0 = pm.text("",parent= uiColumn2, height = 2)
helpTxt1 = pm.text("Created by Mendel Reis at", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12)
helpTxt2 = pm.text("FACULDADE MELIES", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300,height = 12)
helpTxt3 = pm.text("www.melies.com.br", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12)
helpTxt01 = pm.text(" ",parent= uiColumn2, height = 5)
helpTxt4 = pm.text("HOW TO USE:", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12)
helpTxt5 = pm.text("Will change files thru naming convention:", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12)
helpTxt6 = pm.text("file_name.SIZE.extension", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12)
helpTxt7 = pm.text("Input the SIZE as you wish.", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12)
helpTxt8 = pm.text("Only use . (DOT) to isolate the SIZE tag.", parent= uiColumn2, width = 300, height = 12)
def passValue(options, sizeChoice, closeAfter, *args):
radioCol = cmds.radioCollection(options, query=True, sl=True)
selOption = cmds.radioButton(radioCol, query=True, data=True)
newSize = pm.textField(sizeChoice, query = True, tx = True)
print selOption
print newSize
if (selOption == 1):
elif (selOption == 2):
elif (selOption == 3):
if (closeAfter):
del sizeChoice
def changeAll(newSize):
allTex = pm.ls(type = "file")
notFound = [] #array for texture files without a size change match
for tex in allTex: #get info from texture file to be changed
path = tex.getAttr("fileTextureName") #get the full path of texture file
name = path.split("/")[-1].split('.')[0] #get the name of the file
size = path.split("/")[-1].split('.')[-2] #get the user specified, thru naming convention, texture file size info
extension = path.split("/")[-1].split('.')[-1] #get the texture file extension
if (size != newSize): #check if texture file needs to be changed
old = name + "." + size + "." + extension #concatenate the old name
new = name + "." + newSize + "." + extension #concatenate the new name
newTex = path.replace(old, new, 1) #create string for new fileTextureName
if (os.path.isfile(newTex)): #check if requered file exists
tex.setAttr("fileTextureName", newTex) #change the textureFileName
notFound.append(name+'.' + extension) #create a log with failed attempts
def changeSelected(newSize):
objs = pm.selected()
for item in objs:
a = pm.listRelatives(item)[0]
b = pm.listConnections(a, type = "shadingEngine")
sgInfo = pm.listConnections(b, type='materialInfo')
fileNode = pm.listConnections(sgInfo[0], type='file')
textureFile = pm.getAttr(fileNode[0].fileTextureName)
name = textureFile.split("/")[-1].split('.')[0] #get the name of the file
print "NAME", name
size = textureFile.split("/")[-1].split('.')[-2] #get the user specified, thru naming convention, texture file size info
print "SIZE", size
extension = textureFile.split("/")[-1].split('.')[-1] #get the texture file extension
print "EXTENSION", extension
if (size != newSize): #check if texture file needs to be changed
old = name + "." + size + "." + extension #concatenate the old name
new = name + "." + newSize + "." + extension #concatenate the new name
newTex = textureFile.replace(old, new, 1) #create string for new fileTextureName
if (os.path.isfile(newTex)): #check if requered file exists
fileNode[0].setAttr("fileTextureName", newTex) #change the textureFileName
print "Did not find a texture to replace. Check naming convention: enter size as '1K', '2K'..."
def changeAllBut(newSize):
allObjs = pm.ls(type = "mesh")
selection = pm.selected()
selObjs = []
for item in selection:
a = pm.listRelatives(item)[0]
for item in allObjs:
if item in selObjs:
for item in allObjs:
a = item
b = pm.listConnections(a, type = "shadingEngine")
sgInfo = pm.listConnections(b, type='materialInfo')
fileNode = pm.listConnections(sgInfo[0], type='file')
textureFile = pm.getAttr(fileNode[0].fileTextureName)
name = textureFile.split("/")[-1].split('.')[0] #get the name of the file
print "NAME", name
size = textureFile.split("/")[-1].split('.')[-2] #get the user specified, thru naming convention, texture file size info
print "SIZE", size
extension = textureFile.split("/")[-1].split('.')[-1] #get the texture file extension
print "EXTENSION", extension
if (size != newSize): #check if texture file needs to be changed
old = name + "." + size + "." + extension #concatenate the old name
new = name + "." + newSize + "." + extension #concatenate the new name
newTex = textureFile.replace(old, new, 1) #create string for new fileTextureName
if (os.path.isfile(newTex)): #check if requered file exists
fileNode[0].setAttr("fileTextureName", newTex) #change the textureFileName
print "Did not find a texture to replace. Check naming convention: enter size as '1K', '2K'..."
def closeUi():
del sizeChoice
This question is a bit dated, but maybe an answer is still helpful: The problem lies in the window objects name:"ChangeTextureFiles_v1.2". Windows etc. are Maya objects and they to not allow spaces or points. You can try it if you simply create a polycube and try to rename it to "polycube_v1.2". For your window you can use the title flag instead:
changeTexWindow = pm.window(WINNAME,
title = "ChangeTextureFiles_v1.2",
sizeable = False,
width = 300,
height = 175,
minimizeButton = False,
maximizeButton = False
And if you check for existence just use the WINNAME:
if pm.window(WINNAME, exists = True):