I am working on an ASP.NET Boilerplate service project.
When I am saving a client, it returns an error:
Tenancy Name is not valid
The tenancy name contains spaces.
maps to Tenant
object without any error. Database table TenancyName
column is nvarchar(64)
. Error occurs when it is saving.
From the documentation on Tenant Management:
AbpTenant class defines some base properties, most important ones are:
- TenancyName: This is unique name of a tenant in the application. It should not be changed normally. It can be used to allocate subdomains to tenants like 'mytenant.mydomain.com'. Tenant.TenancyNameRegex constant defines the naming rule.
- Name: An arbitrary, human-readable, long name of the tenant.
is "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,}$"
as spaces are not allowed in subdomains.
As quoted above, use Name
for the human-readable name (with spaces) of the tenant.