There's some code in our project that looks a bit like this:
Private Sub Method1()
Call InnerMethod
End Sub
Private Sub Method2()
End Sub
Private Sub InnerMethod()
'' stuff
End Sub
What's the advantage of doing Method1 over Method2?
From the MSDN:
You are not required to use the Call keyword when calling a procedure. However, if you use the Call keyword to call a procedure that requires arguments, argumentlist must be enclosed in parentheses. If you omit the Call keyword, you also must omit the parentheses around argumentlist. If you use either Call syntax to call any intrinsic or user-defined function, the function's return value is discarded.
For example:
Sub Proc1()
Debug.Print "Hello World"
End Sub
Sub Proc2(text As String)
Debug.Print "Hello " & text
End Sub
In the immediate window, if you enter
then "Hello World" prints. If you enter
Call Proc1
then "Hello World" prints. If you enter
Proc2 "World"
then "Hello World" prints. If you enter
Call Proc2 "World"
you get a compile error. You would have to enter
Call Proc2("World")